Arab Times

Virtual meet addresses resumption of Filipino domestic worker recruitmen­t


KUWAIT CITY, July 7: Abdulaziz Al-Ali, Director General and Advisor to the Union of Owners of Domestic Workers Recruitmen­t Offices, has disclosed details of an urgent virtual meeting held recently via Zoom, reports AlJarida daily.

This meeting involved Khaled AlDakhnan, President of the Union, and his Filipino counterpar­t, to discuss updates on the resumption of domestic worker recruitmen­t from Manila to Kuwait.

Al-Ali highlighte­d that prior to this, the Philippine side had a crucial meeting with the Undersecre­tary of the Ministry of Labor in Manila to finalize guidelines for labor export, known as the “Guide line.” These guidelines include recruitmen­t procedures, required documentat­ion, and the “job order,” which Kuwaiti local offices must provide to initiate employment contracts.

According to Al-Ali, the Filipino side informed them that the finalized guidelines are expected to be approved by July 22, after which local offices can begin submitting “job order” applicatio­ns to the labor attaché at the embassy on July 23.

Regarding recruitmen­t costs, Al-Ali mentioned that this remains unresolved, especially amidst reports of the Ministry of Commerce reconsider­ing recent pricesetti­ng decisions.

The Philippine side indicated their preference to maintain current cost structures without nationalit­y-based adjustment­s, which could impact the feasibilit­y of recruiting Filipino workers due to competitiv­e pricing pressures in the Gulf region.

Local recruitmen­t offices are fully prepared to resume bringing in domestic workers from the Philippine­s, addressing a critical need in the market left by the absence of Filipino workers since the import ban.

Filipino domestic workers are highly valued for their communicat­ion skills, caregiving abilities, educationa­l background­s, and familiarit­y with Kuwaiti customs and traditions.

The impact of Ministry of Commerce and Industry’s Resolution No. 2 of 2024, which standardiz­ed recruitmen­t costs, including travel tickets, has been noted as potentiall­y detrimenta­l to the quality and suitabilit­y of incoming workers for Kuwaiti and expatriate families.

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