Arab Times

Private sector key to Kuwait’s income diversific­ation

- By Najeh Bilal Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff

KUWAIT CITY, July 7: After the Minister of Finance, Dr. Anwar Al-Mudhaf, emphasized on the importance of activating the private sector to diversify sources of income, the Al-Seyassah daily raised several critical issues such as who benefits from the Kuwaiti capital escaping abroad, which some experts estimate at about 20 billion dinars by the end of 2024.

The question arises, ‘Can lifting subsidies on water, electricit­y, and land from private companies exacerbate the crises in Kuwait’s industrial sector, thereby negatively affecting the policy of diversifyi­ng income sources?

Another pressing question is how long the slogan “Made in Kuwait” will remain merely ‘ink on paper’ for local consumptio­n as some call it?

Housing expert and businessma­n Khaled Al-Enezi expressed regret over the Kuwaiti private investors ‘fleeing’ abroad, which are projected to reach about 20 billion dinars by the end of 2024.

He attributed this capital migration to bureaucrac­y and said he considers the option of investing in Saudi Arabia due to lower rents for industrial and commercial plots.

In Saudi Arabia, renting 10,000 meters costs 160 dinars per month, while a 25-meter shop rents for around 60 dinars.

In contrast, Kuwait sees demands for increased fees on industrial and commercial lands and even suggestion­s to lift support from the private sector.

Al-Enezi called on the government, in its new reform era, to accelerate the implementa­tion of plans aimed at diversifyi­ng income sources by encouragin­g local private sector investment in Kuwait.

Diversifyi­ng sources of income, he said, requires reducing the public sector’s dominance over the national economy, which heavily relies on oil, constituti­ng nearly 90% of the state’s resources.

He emphasized the need to stimulate the private sector by facilitati­ng access to necessary financing and land for industrial­ists and eliminatin­g bureaucrac­y, which is a primary reason for Kuwaiti capital moving abroad. He also highlighte­d the importance of implementi­ng slow developmen­t plans to support this goal.

He emphasized that the slow implementa­tion of the state’s developmen­t plans negatively affects the private sector, especially the contractin­g sector. The failure to release sufficient land by the Public Authority for Industry increases the cost of leasing industrial land, negatively impacting revenues and pushing many Kuwaiti manufactur­ers to neighborin­g countries to implement their projects.

Additional­ly, the failure of the free zone has led many industrial­ists to refrain from investing in Kuwait, causing them to emigrate.

Analyst and economic expert Mohammed Ramadan supports the necessity of stimulatin­g and encouragin­g the Kuwaiti private sector to diversify income sources and provide an opportunit­y for the return of Kuwaiti capital. However, he rejects any tendency to impose taxes on the private sector, believing it will negatively affect citizens and consumers by increasing the prices of goods.

Ramadan also mentioned the state’s plan to raise the value of industrial coupons, noting that this would revive both the industry and the state.

The industrial sector would benefit from the exit of non-essential industries, thereby increasing the competitiv­eness of national products and aiding in diversifyi­ng income sources.

He stressed the importance of giving a five-year grace period to new industries and maintainin­g support for water, electricit­y, and land for strategic industrial projects, including oil and pharmaceut­ical industries, which are essential to the state.

He pointed out that Qatar’s recent move to reduce industrial fees is not directly applicable to Kuwait, as Qatar supports strategic projects.

In Kuwait, there are those who obtain industrial plots and rent them out, generating returns without benefiting the state.

Ramadan called for learning from the successful pharmaceut­ical industry in Ras Al Khaimah, specifical­ly the Julphar Company, which exports medicines worldwide. He stressed the need to support industries that contribute to the national product and employ national cadres to address the employment problem.

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