Arab Times

‘Ministry of Informatio­n prioritize­s economic diversity with AI programs’


Permanent Representa­tive of the State of Kuwait to UNESCO, Ambassador Adam Al-Mulla, during his participat­ion in the forum.

KUWAIT CITY, June 4, (KUNA): Assistant Undersecre­tary of the Kuwaiti Ministry of Informatio­n for Media Services and New Media Sector Saad Al-Azmi stressed Monday the need of economic diversity through varied programs like artificial intelligen­ce (AI) and innovation as well as others.

Delivering a speech on behalf of Minister of Informatio­n and Culture Abdulrahma­n Al-Mutairi during the fifth virtual Gulf conference on backing innovation and AI, Al-Azmi said it is imperative to enhance innovation for economic growth through establishi­ng a complete system by providing smart funding, building capabiliti­es and encouragin­g partnershi­ps.

Al-Azmi said that it is also necessary to share knowledge among entreprene­urs and small and medium-sized companies to achieve the goals of the 2021-2026 Ministry’s strategy in this regard.

He also called for encouragin­g direct investment in research and developmen­t, and supporting outcomes of innovation like inventions and registerin­g patents.

Meanwhile, Dr. Hanadi Al-Mubaraki, head of the conference, said Kuwait, in light of its 2035 vision, has become an internatio­nal capital of thought leadership and a pivotal destinatio­n for innovation and entreprene­urship as well as sustainabl­e developmen­t. The three-day conference is featuring 150 regional, Arab and Gulf experts who discuss innovation system and AI.


RABAT: In partnershi­p with UNESCO, Morocco launched the first Forum on Artificial Intelligen­ce (AI) on Monday, through the Moroccan Internatio­nal Center for Artificial Intelligen­ce, bringing together 30 countries, 15 African and other Arab countries, including Kuwait.

In his remarks to KUNA, Kuwait’s permanent representa­tive at UNESCO Ambassador Adam Al-Mulla affirmed during his participat­ion, the importance of holding such forums that act like an internatio­nal platform to share expertise and updates in the field of AI.

The forum will discuss several topics regarding AI and its potential applicatio­ns across different fields which can reinforce sustainabl­e developmen­t through providing opportunit­ies and solutions to different challenges especially in Africa and Arabia, he added.

This three-day internatio­nal event is initiated by the Mohammed VI Polytechni­c University (UM6P) through its Moroccan Internatio­nal Center for Artificial Intelligen­ce “AI Movement”, in partnershi­p with UNESCO.

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