Arab Times

Al-Jarallah meets delegation of Chinese Chamber of Commerce


KUWAIT CITY, April 29: The Dean of Kuwait Journalism and the Editor-in-Chief of Al-Seyassah and Arab Times newspapers Ahmed Al-Jarallah received at AlSeyassah Press House on Monday, the Chairman of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce and member of the Executive Council of Hong Kong Special Administra­tive Region Jeffrey Kin-fung Lam, and the Chairman of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce’s Asia, Africa and Middle East Committee Jonathan Lamport, along with chamber members and representa­tives of Chinese government-owned companies operating in various sectors Patrick Tsang, Chairman of Tsangs Group, Kelvin Liu, Vice Chairman of Tsangs Group, and Andre Kwok, Chief of Staff of Tsangs Group, reports Al-Seyassah daily.

During the meeting, a number of issues were discussed, particular­ly the partnershi­p with the Jarallah Group for various economic activities, the most important of which is the media sector.

The delegation emphasized the major role played by the Al-Seyassah Press House, in particular its two parts - Al-Seyassah Newspaper and Arab Times - in boosting economic, social and cultural cooperatio­n with

China, and enhancing Arab, Gulf and Kuwait relations with China and the Chinese private sector by introducin­g the public to Chinese, Arab and Gulf companies.

The two sides reviewed the prospects for building cooperatio­n in the field of modern technology and renewable energy. They discussed ways to take advantage of the high temperatur­es in Kuwait to generate energy, and benefit from the expertise of Chinese companies in energy storage.

They also discussed ways to develop the relations between the private sectors of the two countries, implement the agreements signed between His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and the Chinese President Xi Jinping last year in this regard, activate partnershi­ps between Kuwaiti and Chinese companies, and find common ground for developing trade relations and investment exchange.

They highlighte­d the commitment of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce of China to strengthen this cooperatio­n.

It is worth noting that the meeting was attended by the Chief Financial Officer of Al-Jarallah Group Ahmed Wasfi.

 ?? Photos by Rizk Taufiq ?? Left: Ahmed Al-Jarallah with the delegation chief and (right) Al-Jarallah with the members of the delegation.
Photos by Rizk Taufiq Left: Ahmed Al-Jarallah with the delegation chief and (right) Al-Jarallah with the members of the delegation.
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