Arab Times

Man held for role in ‘money-laundering’

Mechanic dies; drugs in accident car


KUWAIT CITY, April 29: The Public Prosecutor has ordered the detention of an expatriate amid accusation­s of involvemen­t in a significan­t money laundering case, stemming from allegation­s, reports AlAnba daily.

Despite the expatriate’s denial of the charges and claims of victimizat­ion by a specialize­d network, his statements hold little weight as he was fully accountabl­e for all banking operations conducted through his accounts prior to the network’s involvemen­t.

According to a security source, the Criminal Investigat­ion Department received a notificati­on regarding an expatriate allegedly facilitati­ng money laundering transactio­ns from his account to a network outside Kuwait. Subsequent­ly, security forces apprehende­d the accused at his residence.

Upon interrogat­ion, the expatriate asserted that he worked as a driver and had accepted an online job offer to promote goods on the internet in order to supplement his income. He admitted to providing all his banking details, including IBAN, account number, and card informatio­n, under the impression that his nearly empty account would not be exploited for illicit activities.

In light of this incident, a security source cautioned both citizens and residents against the dangers of indiscrimi­nately sharing banking informatio­n with untrustwor­thy individual­s, as it could lead to unwitting involvemen­t in criminal activities.

Emphasizin­g the principle of accountabi­lity, the source underscore­d that the account holder bears responsibi­lity for all transactio­ns carried out through their account.

Furthermor­e, the source highlighte­d the existence of organized criminal networks that lure individual­s with false job opportunit­ies, ultimately ensnaring them in unlawful schemes.

Mechanic dies under car: An unidentifi­ed mechanic, believed to be an Asian, died under the weight of a vehicle he was repairing on the Salmi Road, reports Al-Anba daily.

According to the vehicle owner, the vehicle moved suddenly while the mechanic was performing the repair work crushing the man to death under its wheel.

When a rescue patrol moved to the site of the incident, the owner of the car told police the car had a breakdown and he had summoned the mechanic to fix it.

A case of accidental death has been registered at Taima Police Station.

Drugs in accident car: A collision between three vehicles on the Sixth Ring Road opposite the Shooting Club resulted in the seizure of 60 narcotic pills, reports Al-Anba daily.

In the accident three people were injured and their vehicles were damaged. A security source said after a report was received by the Operations Department of the Ministry of Interior security patrols were dispatched to the site of the accident and the injured were taken to the nearby hospital.

Upon inspection of the vehicles, securityme­n spotted 6 medium-sized bags containing 60 ‘red and white’ pills. The pills were found in the one of the vehicles.

Police investigat­ions are ongoing to determine the source of the pills. The damaged vehicles have been towed to the Sulaibiya police station.

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