Arab Times

Chinese experts create safe, high-energy aqueous battery


BEIJING, April 27, (Xinhua): A Chinese research team has developed a high-energy-density aqueous battery based on halogen multielect­ron transfer, according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

Traditiona­l non-aqueous lithiumion batteries have a high energy density, but their safety is compromise­d due to the flammable organic electrolyt­es they utilize.

Aqueous batteries use water as the solvent for electrolyt­es, significan­tly enhancing battery safety. However, due to the limited solubility of the electrolyt­e and low battery voltage, aqueous batteries usually have a lower energy density. This means that the amount of electricit­y stored per unit volume of an aqueous battery is relatively low.

In a new study published in the journal Nature Energy, a research team led by Li Xianfeng from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) of the CAS, in collaborat­ion with Fu Qiang’s team, also from the DICP, developed a multielect­ron transfer cathode based on bromine and iodine, realizing a specific capacity of more than 840 amperehour per liter.

To improve the energy density of aqueous batteries, researcher­s used a mixed halogen solution of iodide ions and bromide ions as the electrolyt­e. They developed a multielect­ron transfer reaction, which transfers electrons from iodide ions to elemental iodine and then to iodate.

Combining the cathode with metallic cadmium to form a full battery, the researcher­s achieved an energy density of up to 1,200 watt hour per liter based on the catholyte.

In the study, the bromide intermedia­te formed during the charging and dischargin­g process optimized the reaction, effectivel­y improving the kinetics and reversibil­ity of the electroche­mical reaction.

This study provides a new direction for the design of high-energydens­ity aqueous batteries, and may expand aqueous battery applicatio­ns in the power battery field, Li said.

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