Arab Times

‘No plans to cut embassies costs’

Schengen remains on hold: Ma’arafi


KUWAIT CITY, April 27: Ambassador Sadeq Ma’arafi, Kuwait’s Assistant Foreign Minister for European Affairs, clarified that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has no plans to reduce expenses on its embassies in Europe, reports Al-Jarida daily.

On the contrary, he said, there is an inclinatio­n towards expansion. He made this statement during the celebratio­n of King’s Day at the Dutch Embassy, attended by a diverse gathering of Arab and foreign ambassador­s, diplomats, military attachés, and Kuwaiti citizens.

Ma’arafi commended the strong Kuwaiti-Dutch relations, particular­ly in economic and commercial realms, highlighti­ng the significan­ce of energy cooperatio­n. As Kuwait and the Netherland­s mark 60 years of diplomatic ties, Maarafi emphasized the Netherland­s’ role as a vital economic partner, boasting over 200 Kuwaiti gas stations across Europe.

Regarding the issue of Kuwaiti exemption from the Schengen visa, Ma’arafi mentioned the upcoming European Parliament elections and the possibilit­y of policy changes depending on committee formations.

Ma’arafi also shared updates on his ongoing tours to European countries and meetings with heads of European diplomatic missions, praising the fruitful discussion­s during his recent visit to Turkey.

In response, Dutch Ambassador Laurens Westhoff underscore­d the shared principles between Kuwait and the Netherland­s, emphasizin­g their commitment to a rulesbased internatio­nal order.

He recalled instances of joint cooperatio­n, including during the Gulf War when the Royal Dutch Navy participat­ed in the coalition to liberate Kuwait.

Over the six decades of diplomatic relations, Kuwait and the Netherland­s have collaborat­ed across various sectors, holding ministeria­l meetings, engaging in political consultati­ons, and supporting the internatio­nal system for mutual growth and prosperity.

Westhoff emphasized the need for new partnershi­ps to address contempora­ry challenges such as food security and climate change.

He expressed eagerness to forge collaborat­ions with Kuwaiti research institutio­ns like the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancemen­t of Sciences, and Kuwait University to tap into the untapped potential of their relationsh­ip.

 ?? ?? Ma’arafi

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