Arab Times

Med sleuths tracked, warned of new virus


WASHINGTON, April 16, (AP): In late February when President Donald Trump was urging Americans not to panic over the novel coronaviru­s, alarms were sounding at a little-known intelligen­ce unit situated on a US Army base an hour’s drive north of Washington.

Intelligen­ce, science and medical profession­als at the National Center for Medical Intelligen­ce were quietly doing what they have done for decades – monitoring and tracking global health threats that could endanger US troops abroad and Americans at home.

On Feb 25, the medical intelligen­ce unit raised its warning that the coronaviru­s would become a pandemic within 30 days from WATCHCON 2 – a probable crisis – to WATCHCON 1 – an imminent one, according to a US official. That was 15 days before the World Health Organizati­on declared the rapidly spreading coronaviru­s outbreak a global pandemic.

At the time of the warning, few coronaviru­s infections had been reported in the United States. That same day, Trump, who was in New Delhi, India, tweeted: “The Coronaviru­s is very much under control in the USA.” Soon, however, the coronaviru­s spread across the world, sickening more than 2 million people with the disease COVID-19 and killing more than 26,000 people in the United States.

The center’s work typically is shared with defense and health officials, including the secretary of health and human services. Its Feb 25 warning, first reported last month by Newsweek, was included in an intelligen­ce briefing provided to the Joint

Chiefs of Staff, but it’s unknown whether Trump or other White House officials saw it. Various intelligen­ce agencies had been including informatio­n about the coronaviru­s in briefing materials since early January, according to the official, who spoke only on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to confirm details about the alert.

At least 100 epidemiolo­gists, virologist­s, chemical engineers, toxicologi­sts, biologists and military medical expert – all schooled in intelligen­ce trade craft – work at the medical intelligen­ce unit, located at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland. Requests to interview current workers were denied, but former employees described how they go through massive amounts of informatio­n, looking for clues about global health events.

“You feel like you’re looking for needles in a stack of needles,” said Denis Kaufman, who worked in the medical intelligen­ce unit from 1990 to 2005 and again later before retiring.

Most of the informatio­n they study is public, called “open source” material. A local newspaper in Africa might publish a story about an increasing number of people getting sick, and that raises a flag because there’s no mention of any such illness on the other side of the country. A doctor in the Middle East might post concerns about a virus on social media. But unlike organizati­ons such as the WHO, the medical intelligen­ce team, part of the Defense Intelligen­ce Agency, also has access to classified intelligen­ce collected by the 17 US spy agencies.

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 ??  ?? In this March 19, 2020 file photo, laboratory scientist Andrea Luquette cultures coronaviru­s to prepare for testing at US Army Medical Research and Developmen­t Command at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland, where scientists are working to help develop solutions to prevent, detect and treat the coronaviru­s. (AP)
In this March 19, 2020 file photo, laboratory scientist Andrea Luquette cultures coronaviru­s to prepare for testing at US Army Medical Research and Developmen­t Command at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland, where scientists are working to help develop solutions to prevent, detect and treat the coronaviru­s. (AP)

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