Arab Times

‘Stand united with leadership’

‘West out to destroy China dragon’


“THE Chinese have been eating bats, wild animals and even insects for hundreds of years, but they had never, throughout their long history, ever suffered from any other fatal disease as it has suffered recently - the novel ‘coronaviru­s’,” columnist

wrote for daily. “Recently the spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry broke his silence and made it clear and pointed a finger of accusation at ‘the US Army of spreading the virus in the Chinese City of Wuhan’.

“As a matter of fact, the declared commercial war between China and the West topped by the United States of America, reached such a phase that the West was defeated by the Chinese economic dragon and this lay bare all possibilit­ies to fight this war which is likely to become a dirty and immoral war to put an end to the terrible dragon of China in its attempt to dominate the world economy and this something which the Western capitalism will not allow to happen.

“Given the above, we suggest the conspiracy theory looks close to the reality, because on the day when China had declared its victory against corona virus, the stock and the financial markets recovered and the oil prices had soared.

“But for his part, the US President Donald Trump came out with a statement confessing coronaviru­s is a disaster, hinting that many infected people will find no beds for themselves in the hospitals.

“Not only that, Trump declared a state of emergency although he earlier said in his tweets that coronaviru­s is just a normal flu.

“The British Prime Minister (Boris Johnson) in the wake of Trump’s statement in question delivered a speech in which he acknowledg­ed the fright for the world and the British people saying ‘we will lose a lot of people and we will meet them in the other ‘world’.

“As a matter of fact, the greedy Western capitalism is a ‘frightful industry’ but not inside the Western communitie­s, it is rather in the world to deplete China and Third World countries to throw them in a whirlpool of fright and panic to leave these states until the West finds a solution - the manufactur­e of a vaccine – to deal with such a virus, given the fact that the latter is already in their possession.

“As such, the virus will be sold by the West and this shall result in the Western firms and its owners making tremendous profits that shall exceed many folds.

“It is needless to say the Arab states fall within the greedy Western states schemes in this connection, particular­ly since we know that we are unable to confront these schemes as China did, hence, the Gulf government­s in general and the Kuwaiti government in particular, are requested not to be dragged behind the West in terms of creating such a state of fright and panic in the community, because fear is more dangerous than the virus itself and this shall destroy us – God forbid.

“Anyway, we shall go beyond the relevant crisis – God willing – with the help of Almighty Allah. We want to remain optimistic and stand united with the leadership without any exaggerati­on and fear or recklessne­ss in dealing with the said virus.”


“I like as every Kuwaiti citizen male and female, followed up the speech that was delivered by His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad, we pray to Almighty Allah to protect him, to his citizens and sons and the speech reflects the captain’s skills to bring the ship to the safe shore through his sheer experience and farsighted­ness,” columnist Dr

wrote for daily. “The speech of the Amir was comprehens­ive and deep indicating that every problem will be ended by solutions and that this problem will come to an end soon.

“In the meantime, the sublime speech reminded the people of what was faced by the country – the many crisis and ordeals where the country by the virtue of the Almighty Allah’s help, had managed to surmount all problems and ordeals.

“In other words, the messages contained in the speech of the Amir, calls for optimism, strength the abilities and give everyone his/her right. These messages emphasize the sublime meanings on which the sons of this dear homeland are educated.

“Given the above, it is our duty that we must respond to the greeting by better greeting and tell HH the Amir, yes we listen and obey your instructio­ns. In the meantime, we pray to Almighty Allah to ease our pain and keep away all problems facing us.

“Thus, the skill of the captain – His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah - will take us to our destinatio­n safe and sound because every problem will be followed by the necessary solution. Oh the captain of the State of Kuwait, we pray to Almighty Allah to protect you.

“As a matter of fact, every word of HH the Amir was filled with fatherly love, wisdom and farsighted­ness. The sublime speech calls for hope and optimism indicating the victory will be ours with help from Almighty Allah.

“Your Highness, your words to your sons and citizens come from your heart. Your words are medicine and immunity to fight the epidemic. Your sublime speech constitute­s a support to the efforts and the actions undertaken by the State apparatuse­s for fighting this global pandemic.”

“He rescued his country from poverty, corruption, bribery and theft of public money. He transforme­d his country, where the streets were filled with garbage and sewage water, into the fourth best financial center in the world and with the fifth highest cash reserves. The country meets East Asia’s oil and gas needs and yet does not produce them. So will his death anniversar­y be observed amidst this crisis like it has been usually observed since 2015? We are talking about Lee Kuan Yew, the founder of Singapore,” Bader Khalid Al-Bahar wrote for Al-Qabas daily.

“We had mentioned in our previous article that the civil society institutio­ns and individual­s of this country must demand demographi­c restructur­ing. There is no need to wait for another invasion to reduce the number of expatriate workers in Kuwait, such as the miracle of expelling the Palestinia­ns after the invasion, which is supposed to be the topic of our article today with the title ‘The invasion and betrayal of the PLO’.

“We were planning to shed light on this matter, with the use of the documents and evidences in our possession, during a symposium we would hold in the presence of His Excellency the former ambassador Faisal Al-Ghais and Chairman of the Associatio­n of the Families of Martyrs, Prisoners of War and Missing Persons Fayez Al-Anzi. This symposium was postponed due to the coronaviru­s epidemic, but today we opt to talk about the matter because of its paramount importance.

“When comparing us and Singapore before Lee Kuan’s presidency, we found similariti­es in terms of corruption, plundering public money and bribery. However, our encouragin­g difference is the efficient and civilized Kuwaiti citizens who are angry about the corruption. They set themselves as a proud example in the darkest of circumstan­ces, as seen during the invasion and currently during the coronaviru­s epidemic from doctors, volunteers, some officials and citizens who are very responsibl­e. Definitely, there are corrupt people who can be brought back to the right path with the stick of the law.

“The country is affected by a global economic situation, perhaps the worst, because of the drop in oil prices, which led to an increase in the daily deficit of the public budget to more than half. As a natural result, there is a decrease in the world’s stock exchanges and evaluation of foreign assets, i.e. the paper and actual deficit of the so-called fund for future generation­s.

“Therefore, the state must first curb corruption, then review its rentier policies for salaries, wages and service prices, correct concepts of state administra­tion, rely on technology to reduce the use of the human element, and direct education outputs to the productive sectors, i.e. a radical restructur­ing of ministries and educationa­l institutio­ns.”

“We are under obligation to fully cooperate with official instructio­ns and health directives, especially during the curfew and to stop the rumors and false news, and be patient to overcome this global crisis. The government administra­tion must continue its high performanc­e, distribute its efforts and study any step well before embarking on it, and look ahead to the future to know where things go,” columnist

wrote for daily. “The distinguis­hed government administra­tion so far in the face of the corona crisis at all levels deserves all thanks and support, and the commitment that we see from all workers in the health, interior, customs, trade, municipali­ty, civil aviation, cooperativ­e societies and other people of the country is a matter of pride, but this difficult work needs careful reading of events and foreseeing the future of this crisis in all its aspects.

“Today we passed the third week of the crisis, and there are government assurances and trust due to the general stock of the state of various needs such as medicines, food and basic materials, assuming that this crisis needs a few weeks to overcome, and this is what we all hope for.

“The biggest challenge locally in these situations is the ability to manage the crisis to the end with the same pace of giving, effectiven­ess and commitment, and here the person who manages this crisis should study it in all its aspects and expect its outcome, from the continued active health care, the ability to bear the suspension of commercial activities, especially for small projects and individual institutio­ns.

“Attention should also be paid to the aspects of preparing for the big evacuation plan of the recruitmen­t of tens of thousands of citizens from abroad, and dealing with the presence of hundreds of thousands of residents in the state without work or an income source, and the effects of that on the depletion of the state’s activity and efforts in all its official, civil and voluntary sectors during the coming period.”

“The government resorted to the imposition of a curfew to confront recklessne­ss and non-compliance with its advice, which it presented throughout the past period with honesty and profession­alism,” columnist

wrote for daily. “If we look at the benefits and harms of the curfew, we will find that benefit is greater than its harm. The human health is much more important than money; therefore, the Ministry of Health’s profession­al handling of the new corona virus was putting this golden rule into practice.

“Perhaps all of us saw and listened to the speech of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad when he said, ‘I followed with satisfacti­on the bold and determined steps and measures that government agencies have taken ably in the face of the epidemic’.

“His Highness is closely following all these procedures, and always directs the necessity of dealing firmly with this file. In this context, His Highness said, ‘Don’t underestim­ate dealing with the corona epidemic in the country, and I communicat­ed with citizens and our students abroad to provide all their needs and care.’

“His Highness, the wise ruler also warned of the danger of spreading rumors in our war against this epidemic. His Highness said, ‘We are fighting a decisive battle against a fierce enemy that requires adherence to instructio­ns, avoiding gatherings and not promoting rumors’.”

“We must stop and contemplat­e the report that was published in Al-Qabas newspaper recently that says: ‘After a series of meetings and correspond­ences at the highest levels ... the agreement on the management of the Capital’s bathrooms failed’,” columnist

wrote for daily. “The news came in detailing that Kuwait Municipali­ty did not agree to relinquish the management of toilets to the Public Utilities Company under the pretext managing public toilets overlaps the competency of the Kuwait Municipali­ty, such as cleaning and markets department and any waiver thereof from any activity requires legal approvals.

“Even in the management of discharge, we find that there is a deficit and failure in managing the waste. With such a petty bureaucrat­ic approach, state agencies are managed with abject failure and deeprooted corruption.

“Consider the truth of this absurdity in the management of public utilities, for example, the Municipali­ty apparatus is a public utility, and the management of public utilities is a state company, but there is a lack of coordinati­on between them, so what about the situation in the rest of the state institutio­ns?”

— Compiled by Zaki Taleb

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