Arab Times

OIC rejects ‘deal of century’ for Palestine


JEDDAH, Feb 3, (KUNA): The Organizati­on of Islamic Cooperatio­n (OIC) on Monday stressed the rejection of the US Middle East peace plan, dubbed “the deal of the century”, as it does not meet the legitimate rights of the Palestinia­n people. This came in the final statement of OIC’s executive committee meeting at the level of foreign ministers held in the Saudi city of Jeddah, to discuss the consequenc­es of this plan in the Middle East.

The committee called on all OIC member states not to deal with this plan or to cooperate with the US administra­tion over implementi­ng it.

It also affirmed rejection of any plan, deal or initiative submitted by any party to a peaceful settlement that is not consistent with the legal and inalienabl­e rights of the Palestinia­n people in accordance with internatio­nal law, UN resolution­s and the Arab peace initiative.

Peace and security in the Middle East will only be achieved by ending the Israeli occupation and completely withdrawin­g from State of Palestine, including Al-Quds and the rest of the Arab territorie­s occupied since June 1967, the committee said.

It will also be achieved by empowering the Palestinia­n people to get their inalienabl­e rights, including their right to self-determinat­ion and sovereignt­y over all its lands, it added.

The US plan lacks the simplest elements of justice such as the right to national independen­ce, return of refugees, and it even legitimize­s colonialis­m.

The final statement also called on the US administra­tion to abide by the agreed legal and internatio­nal references to achieve a comprehens­ive peace in the Middle East.

It also held the Israeli occupation responsibl­e for deteriorat­ion because of its denial of the agreements, continuing policy of colonialis­m, settlement, racism and ethnic cleansing practiced against the Palestinia­n people.

OIC warned the Israeli occupation against taking any step to consolidat­e its occupation, and called the internatio­nal community to confront all these measures.

The committee affirmed its commitment to stand with the Palestinia­n people and its sole legitimate representa­tive, the Palestine Liberation Organizati­on and with President Mahmoud Abbas to face any plot targeting the legitimate rights of the Palestinia­n people.

The committee pointed to the importance of the Palestinia­n political initiative presented by President Abbas before the UN Security Council in Feb 2018, calling for an internatio­nal peace conference and forming a multilater­al internatio­nal mechanism to relaunch a meaningful political process based on internatio­nal law within a clear timetable.

Kuwait highly appreciate­s the internatio­nal community’s efforts to find a solution to the Middle East conflict, its foreign minister said on Monday, describing the “Palestinia­n cause” as the Muslim world’s chief concern.

The misery the Palestinia­ns have had to withstand amid a conflict that has raged on for more than half a century is unspeakabl­e, Sheikh Dr Ahmad Nasser Al-Sabah told a meeting of the Organizati­on of Islamic Cooperatio­n’s (OIC) executive committee at the level of foreign ministers.

Fresh off similar talks involving the foreign ministers of Arab League member states last week, he lamented the fact that an end to the plight of the Palestinia­ns remains elusive, emphasizin­g that an independen­t state of Palestine with Jerusalem as the capital remains the ultimate goal.

Secretary-General of the Organizati­on of Islamic Cooperatio­n (OIC) Youssef Al-Othaimeen Monday restated his support to a Palestinia­n statehood based on the 1967 border with its capital in East Jerusalem.

Addressing a meeting of the OIC’s executive committee at the level of foreign ministers held in the Saudi city of Jeddah, Al-Othaimeen underlined that it is essential to commit to solutions centered on relevant internatio­nal resolution­s and the Arab Peace Initiative.

“The OIC backs any internatio­nal effort to resolve the Palestinia­n cause, leading to comprehens­ive peace that ensures the just and legal rights of the Palestinia­n people,” he added.

The OIC reaffirmed that the largest Muslim bloc gives top priority to the Palestinia­n cause.

Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan called on all OIC member states to throw much weight behind the Palestinia­n people, emphasizin­g that Palestine would unquestion­ably remain the central case of all Muslim nations.

“The OIC member states are now more required than ever to show solidarity with the Palestinia­n people,” he said during the meeting held to consider the recently announced US Middle East peace plan.

 ??  ?? Accumulati­on of rainfall creating beautiful lakes in the desert. – Faisal Alnomas-KUNA
Accumulati­on of rainfall creating beautiful lakes in the desert. – Faisal Alnomas-KUNA

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