Arab Times

Govt ‘withdraws’ extraditio­n bill that sparked HK protests

Bid to end unrest


HONG KONG, Sept 4, (AP): Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam announced Wednesday the government will formally withdraw an extraditio­n bill that sparked months of demonstrat­ions, bowing to one of the protesters’ demands in the hope of ending the increasing­ly violent unrest.

But lawmakers warned that the bill’s withdrawal was not enough to end the turmoil, which has increasing­ly focused on alleged police brutality against protesters and democratic reforms.

The bill would have allowed Hong Kong residents to be sent to mainland China for trials. It has prompted massive protests since June that disrupted transport links and caused the airport to shut down earlier this month. Lam said the government would not accept other demands including an independen­t inquiry into alleged police misconduct and the unconditio­nal release of those detained. Instead, she named two new members to a police watchdog agency investigat­ing the matter.

“The government will formally withdraw the bill in order to fully allay public concerns,” she said in a recorded television message.

She said the persistent violence is damaging the rule of law and that moves to vandalize the national flag and emblem were a direct challenge to the “one country, two systems” policy and had put Hong Kong in a “highly vulnerable and dangerous situation.”

“Our foremost priority now is to end violence, to safeguard the rule of law and to restore order and safety in society,” she added, vowing to “strictly enforce the law against all violent and illegal acts.”

Lam said it was clear that public frustratio­n has gone far beyond the bill and that her government will seek a dialogue with aggrieved groups to “address the discontent in society and to look for solutions.”

She said she will also invite community leaders, profession­als and academics to examine deep-seated problems in the society and advise the government on solutions.

“Let’s replace conflicts with conversati­ons, and let’s look for solutions,” she said.

Lam made the announceme­nt after meeting with pro-government lawmakers and members of the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultati­ve Conference.

Lawmaker Michael Tien, who was at the meeting, said the move would not change public sentiment if it isn’t accompanie­d by other concession­s.

“It is too little, too late. The focus now has completely shifted. Most people do not remember what the bill is about but are more concerned about the escalating violence and alleged police heavy-handedness against protesters,” he said.

He said Lam rejected his call during the meeting for an independen­t inquiry which would have the power to summon witnesses, on the ground that it would overlap with the police watchdog probe.

Pro-democracy lawmaker Claudia Mo said the protesters are adamant that all their demands, including calls for direct elections, are fulfilled. She mocked Lam’s bid to seek dialogue to address public grievances.

“She has been fast asleep these three months, this is just absurd,” Mo said. “The scars and wounds are still bleeding, and she thinks she can just use some garden hose to put out the hill fire. That is not acceptable.”

Pro-establishm­ent lawmaker Starry Lee, however, urged protesters to accept the government’s olive branch so the city can move forward.

The Hong Kong stock market soared 4%, boosted by reports of the bill’s withdrawal.

Lam has come under withering criticism for pushing the extraditio­n bill, which many in Hong Kong see as an example of the city’s eroding autonomy since the former British colony returned to Chinese control in 1997.

She was elected as Hong Kong’s chief executive by a pro-Beijing committee of Hong Kong elites, and the mainland government has spoken in support of her government and the city’s police force throughout the protests.

Clashes between police and protesters have become increasing­ly violent, with demonstrat­ors throwing gasoline bombs and rods at officers in protests last weekend. Authoritie­s in turn have employed water cannons, tear gas, rubber bullets and batons. More than 1,100 people have been detained.

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