Arab Times

UN slaps S. Sudan arms embargo:



The UN Security Council on Friday imposed an arms embargo on South Sudan and sanctions on two military officials, ratcheting up pressure after the latest diplomatic efforts failed to end nearly five years of war.

The council narrowly adopted a US-drafted resolution with the backing of nine countries. Russia, China and four other countries abstained.

The United States had lobbied hard to win votes for the arms embargo after it failed in 2016 to persuade the council to back the measure and cut off the arms flow to South Sudan.

US Ambassador Nikki Haley told the council that support for the arms embargo will send a message to South Sudan’s leaders that “we are fed up with delays and stalling.” “These are the weapons that armed groups used to shoot fathers in front of their wives and children, to hold up convoys of food aid, or to assault women and girls,” Haley told the council ahead of the vote.

Meanwhile, the Security Council unanimousl­y approved a resolution Friday that will dramatical­ly cut the United Nations-African Union military force in Sudan’s vast western Darfur region by more than half in response to reduced fighting and improved security conditions.

The resolution adopted by a vote of 15-0 also looks ahead to “the eventual exit” of the joint force known as UNAMID. (Agencies)

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