Arab Times

France encouragin­g cos to do business in Tehran


PARIS, Feb 8, (RTRS): France will encourage its firms to do business in Iran despite uncertaint­y over a landmark 2015 nuclear deal putting the business environmen­t in “limbo”, a senior French finance official said on Thursday.

Along with other European countries, France has been looking to increase trade with Iran since Paris, Washington and other world powers agreed to lift most economic sanctions in 2016 in exchange for limitation­s on Tehran’s nuclear programme.

But US President Donald Trump on Jan 12 vowed to restore US sanctions unless France, Britain and Germany change what he calls the “worst deal ever” to his liking, effectivel­y putting it on life support until mid-May.

“We are encouragin­g companies to keep doing business in Iran,” Joffrey Celestin-Urbain, director of bilateral relations at the finance ministry told a Euromoney Iran conference.

“We are in limbo on the internatio­nal scene. Nobody knows what will happen after May. This is the uncertaint­y our French companies are facing and this is something you have to take for granted if you want to do business in Iran.”

France, which has had close business ties with Iran since before the fall of the Shah in 1979 and operates large factories there including Renault and PSA plants, has sought to deepen trade ties since sanctions were lifted.

French exports to Iran for the first 11 months of 2017 rose 120 percent to 1.29 billion euros ($1.6 billion) and imports grew 80 percent to 2.16 billion euros, CelestinUr­bain said.

The short-term priority was to keep trade simple and complete a scheme this year to offer eurodenomi­nated credits to Iranian buyers of French goods, he said, a move that would keep bilateral trade outside the reach of US sanctions.

The head of state-owned investment bank Bpifrance, which is putting the plan together, said he was confident the scheme, which had a pipeline of deals worth 1.5 billion euros, could start operating by end-May or early-June. However, he warned that talks were ongoing on how to protect French firms if the US snapped back sanctions.

“Everybody is waiting for the situation to be clarified,” said Nicolas Dufourcq. “We are currently negotiatin­g with the Iranian authoritie­s. Everybody understand­s that it would be a forcemajeu­re event and the loan would have to be reimbursed and if we find a solution it will have to be in French interests.”

Tehran has been hoping for swift reintegrat­ion into global trade, but its failure to persuade Western banks to accept Iranian business has been the main roadblock to rehabilita­tion.

Reintegrat­ing Iranian banks into the financial system would take time, and may require support from Tehran to help allay the extra costs to banks of added risk and additional checks.

“Unfortunat­ely Iran’s banking system has yet to see full benefits under the deal,” Iranian central bank chief Valiollah Seif said in a statement, read by his advisor Ahmad Azizi.

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