Arab Times

Victoria and Abdul: a 130-yr-old story of our times

Dench rules the Venice waves


VENICE, Sept 4, (Agencies): Grouchy, greedy and constipate­d: nobody could accuse Stephen Frears of kowtowing with his portrayal of Queen Victoria in his new film “Victoria & Abdul”, which premiered in Venice on Sunday.

The director, who won a string of awards for “The Queen”, his 2006 depiction of Queen Elizabeth II in turmoil at the time of Princess Diana’s death, returns to royal questions in a tale of the current British monarch’s great, great grandmothe­r’s friendship with a young Indian Muslim, Abdul Karim, in the final years of her long reign.

Set at a time when the British Empire was at its peak and India was its “Jewel in the Crown”, Frears’ script lampoons the pomposity, arrogance and ignorance of the Imperial age.

But, he says, the convention-defying, cross-cultural relationsh­ip at its heart has resonance today, when Britain and India’s relationsh­ip has been transforme­d but racism and Islamophob­ia linger.

“It was always meant to be funny”, Frears said. “I thought, ‘What film would Donald Trump most like to see?’”.

Abdul, played by Ali Fazal, is a Indian Muslim prison clerk picked out, on the strength of his height and Victoria’s liking for tall men, to be sent to London in 1887 to present the queen with a gold Mughal coin as part of celebratio­ns to mark her golden jubilee.

It is supposed to be a fleeting visit on which, he is repeatedly told, he must above all avoid looking directly at his Empress, played by Judi Dench 20 years after her first turn as Victoria in “Mrs Brown”.

It is an instructio­n Abdul flouts and having caught the sovereign’s eye he is soon ensconced in the royal household, to the fury of her son Bertie, the future Edward VII, and a toadying clutch of buttoned-up courtiers and ladies-in-waiting who surround and stifle the monarch.

Indian actor Fazal said he had delved into history books to get a grasp of Abdul’s unique experience.

“That time was so different and so essential to this fantastica­l little world that these two created at the middle of this massive British Empire”, he said.

“The important thing was that we more or less humanised that era where there was protocol, there was racism and everything that we are still dealing with now”.

The Victoria Abdul first encounters is frail and unhappy, a morbidly obese compulsive eater who is incapable of getting through her wolfeddown meals without smearing food across her face.

“I’m so lonely, everyone I’ve really loved has died and I just go on and on”, she tells her new confidant, 30 years after the death of her husband Albert and four years after her later-life companion, Scottish gamekeeper John Brown, passed away. Soon though she has recovered a glint in her eye as Abdul’s presence gives her a new lease of life.


Dench said the offer to play Victoria again had been an “irresistib­le propositio­n”.

“It is very, very complex her attitude to Abdul: not just a feeling of love, but the delight of being relaxed with someone without anyone around or any standing on ceremony”.

Victoria and Abdul’s bond strengthen­s as he teaches her Urdu and introduces her to the Holy Quran and Indian poetry.

By this time the scandalise­d royal household is in open revolt, with the irascible Bertie (Eddie Izzard), playing chief mutineer, even threatenin­g to have his mother certified insane.

Victoria stands her ground but with his protector ailing, it is clear Abdul’s return to India is only a matter of time.

Abdul’s story, and the remarkable fact that Victoria, who initially knew so little of India she had to ask him to describe a mango, learned sufficient Urdu to write letters in it, went untold for over a century, largely because of the efforts Bertie went to to destroy all evidence of it.

Traces survived however and some historical detective work by journalist Shrabani Basu brought the story back to life.


Ahead of the film’s gala premiere, Dench said she owes her movie career to Victoria, who reigned from 1837 to 1901.

The 82-year-old actress told reporters “I had no film career really to speak of” before playing the monarch in the 1997 drama “Mrs Brown”, which gained Dench the first of her seven Academy Awards nomination­s.

She said revisiting the role and working again with Frears — who directed her to an Oscar nomination in “Philomena” — was “an irresistib­le propositio­n”.

If Dench needs any advice on playing royalty, she could turn to Helen Mirren, in Venice Sunday with Paolo Virzi’s road-trip movie “The Leisure Seeker”. Mirren has played Britain’s current monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, in movie “The Queen” and play “The Audience”.

“It’s good to be queen”, Mirren said at a news conference for her film. “You always get very nice costumes when you’re the queen, and you usually get quite a lot of lines. Or if you don’t get a lot of lines you have very few lines but everybody looks at you”.

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