Arab Times

KU medical students on 2nd humanitari­an mission to India


Top: The medical students pose for a picture, and (above) team members visiting some schools.

In a gesture that reflects Kuwait’s ever humanitari­an contributi­ons and initiative­s to needy people around the globe, and in line with His Highness the Amir’s world title of ‘The Humanitari­an Leader’, a group of 15 medical students from the Faculty of Medicine at Kuwait University known as ‘The Academiya’ have left Kuwait Monday to Jaipur for their second humanitari­an mission to India. The group will provide medical and educationa­l relief to children and students in need in Jaipur and surroundin­g areas.

Last year, the Academiya Group vaccinated thousands of Indian children against hepatitis B which kills thousands of children every year, and used a Mobile Medical Clinic to diagnose and treat poor people in the slums of Delhi.

Since the Academiya students strongly believe that education is the best way to curb poverty and raise living standards, they provided a number of schools with educationa­l necessitie­s, such as supplies, desks, and chairs. In addition, they built an orphanage for girls in Delhi.

What make these trips truly humanitari­an is that they are completely organized from A to Z by the medical students themselves and their personal expenses such as flight tickets, accommodat­ion etc are also funded by the volunteers from their own pockets.

This year’s trip will be no exception. The students have chosen Jaipur as their destinatio­n, aiming to vaccinate thousands of children and provide medical and educationa­l aid to those in need in surroundin­g villages and poor areas.

The Academiya Group Humanitari­an Trips are named in honor of Sara AlBaghli, a beloved medical student who always reminded them of the importance of having an infinite love for humanity and saving lives.

In a sad tragic car accident, Sara was killed by a careless driver while driving from home to college more than one year ago.

The 15 students headed by Yasmine Eliwa include Dana Al-Ahmadi, Ayat AlDuwaikhi, Dalal Marafie, Hessa Al-Bahrani, Reem Al-Saeedi, Raihanah Al-Sayegh, Zainab AlSahhaf, Noor AlAli, Mohammed AlJamali, Dhari Al-Zaid, Mohammed Al-Fadalah, Mohammed Al-Shamali, Maryam Al-Nssar, and Zainab AlJamali.

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