Arab Times

Security Council or false witness?


- Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Email: Follow me on:

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

WHAT obstacles will the major global powers bring to an end concerning the Yemeni issue following the coup carried out by Saleh-Houthi alliance which had ousted the legitimate Yemeni government and other political powers? Will the United Nations be content with the role of false witness for the second time in confrontin­g those who oppose the UN decisions behind closed doors in favor of some countries, which play a major role in global decisionma­king?

These questions came to my mind after I read an article by one of the leaders of the General People’s Congress in Al-Seyassah newspaper, which concerned the support of Russia, the United States and China for the agreement of the coup plotters without consulting the UN Security Council.

Even though these countries are mainly concerned about their benefits, they are asked to prove their credibilit­y internatio­nally especially after they issued the UN Resolution No. 2216 under the seventh item. The recent withdrawal of the above mentioned countries seems strange. Or did the UN Security Council become like a deceived husband?

How did those countries meet Iran and North Korea for the agreement? What does Pyongyang have to do with the Yemeni issue? Didn’t the party official think his lie would be considered as ridiculous when he mentioned countries that have no direct relations with the Yemeni affairs, as he was unable to mention any countries that supported the agreement of the new move in the coup?

Neverthele­ss, whatever the demands of the coup plotters are and in case the statements of the officials of Saleh’s party are true, there is one explanatio­n for this matter. Washington, Berlin, Moscow and Beijing are seeking to bring an end to their involvemen­t in the previous Yemeni bloodshed without resorting to the internatio­nal organizati­ons, which they usually resort to as they please.

In this case, the legitimate government and the Arab coalition are allowed to use military power to bring an end to the situation in Yemen without paying any attention to the so-called internatio­nal community, which did nothing for Yemen except prolong the sufferings of the Yemeni people.

The other issue that arouses doubts in this regard is the early declaratio­n of the agreement before Kuwait and Saudi Arabia submitted a joint protest letter against the Iranian aggression on this divided and drowned region and the release of new campaign of threats through the trumpets of Persian workers against GCC states, the United States and Europe, which was launched by the “leader of rodomontad­e statements” Naeem Qasim from the south basements of Lebanon via the “Fars” News Agency.

Qasim was followed by the mafia leader Hassan Nasrallah with a torrent of insults against Saudi Arabia and the GCC states, and then by the preacher of Jumah prayers in Tehran. Were all this aimed to convey a message to us that Iran has become the new police of the region?

Perhaps it is high time for the so-called major countries to change the rules of the game in the region, not because they are betting on the losing Iranian horse against historic allies, but because Tehran in reality is nothing more than a media hobgoblin.

We have clear experience in this regard with the Iraq-Iran War when the leader of the Mullah regime claimed that Iran will win the war in two days time but the latter eventually surrendere­d in a humiliatin­g manner after eight years of the destructiv­e war. For the past 37 years, they have been nurturing terrorism of all kinds for achieving their goals especially by “exporting revolution”.

If the so-called major countries quiver in fear over the Iranian statements, then the GCC countries now possess enough experience to solve the idiocy of the Mullah regime. They will come back to the Gulf organizati­on disappoint­ed by their losing bet.

The United Nations is now required to prove its credibilit­y by either ending the situation in Yemen or announcing its inability to do so and leaving the matter to the legitimate government and the Arab coalition which will never surrender the region to the Persian expansion project irrespecti­ve of the cost. They both will bring an end to the situation without minding internatio­nal admonition which has caused more boiling coups in Yemen with the aim of launching the operation of dividing the whole region.

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