Arab Times

‘No restrictio­ns on personal freedoms’

Interior denies social network claims


KUWAIT CITY, July 13, (KUNA): The Ministry of Interior refuted on Wednesday rumors carried by the social networks that the Ministry has enacted a number of measures restrictin­g the use of public freedoms, especially the freedom of speech.

In a press statement, the Ministry said there is no basis for claims that the Ministry monitors personal phone calls or services offered by the social networks through many popular apps.

Tracking cybercrime, the statement added, would not require watching social networks or internet users in general with the eye to incriminat­e them.

With regard to the enforcemen­t of the cybercrime law as of the start of its applicatio­n last January, the statement said it enables the Ministry of Interior to carry out certain steps such as first responding to a complaint about the occurrence of a cybercrime and then following it up with pertinent investigat­ion with the end result of eventually nabbing the offender or offenders, whichever the case may be.

Hackers, those who set up illegal websites, and others who carry out money-laundering schemes online or

deal in human traffickin­g or illegal drugs online, all face strict jail sentences and hefty fines, said the statement.

The statement urged all internet and social networks users to exercise caution in disseminat­ing noxious rumors or outright mendacitie­s for the purpose of creating social unrest.

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