Arab Times

Fans swoon over Trudeau:




From the country that gave the world “Bieber Fever”, Canada’s “other Justin” — heartthrob Prime Minister Justin Trudeau — has made quite a splash on his visit to Japan for the G7 summit.

Japanese media and his growing legions of female fans have been swooning over the 44-year-old PM, who celebrated his 11th wedding anniversar­y on Wednesday by taking the day off to spend it with wife Sophie.

Social media lit up after Canada’s first couple were spotted strolling hand in hand through Tokyo’s Meiji Shrine earlier in the week like love-struck tourists, proving that even politician­s have a romantic side.

Trudeau has been dubbed “ikemen shusho” — Japanese for “hunky PM” — by local media and fans, some of whom took to Twitter to post bare-chested photos of the premier, commenting on the “cool” tattoo of a raven on his left arm.

Others gleefully reposted photos that have appeared previously in the media of Trudeau boxing or in various yoga poses, with a young female fan commenting: “He looks like the actor Tom Cruise.”

Trudeau swept to power last October as Canada’s first new leader in nearly a decade.

He has already made a positive impression with other world leaders and has struck up a close rapport with American President Barack Obama, teasing him about his grey hair at a White House dinner in March. (AFP)

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