Arab Times

Rights ‘lawyer’ gets suspended sentence

Pu charged with inciting ethnic hatred


BEIJING, Dec 22, (AP): After months behind bars, one of China’s most prominent human rights lawyers left a detention center Tuesday after receiving a suspended prison sentence in a case involving online comments critical of the ruling Communist Party.

The court convicted Pu Zhiqiang on charges of disturbing public order and inciting ethnic hatred, and sentenced him to three years in prison but said the sentence will be suspended for three years.


Six hours after the hearing, Pu was driven out of Beijing No. 1 Detention Center in the company of his wife and police officers.

From the car, Pu said he was “safe and sound” in a text message sent to The Associated Press.

His wife, Meng Qun, wrote: “He’s well and still under residentia­l surveillan­ce. His health needs to recover, he needs some calm and adjusting time.”

Lawyer Shang Baojun said the verdict wouldn’t take effect for 10 days, during which Pu can appeal, and he can be kept in detention or under residentia­l surveillan­ce, which may be at a place which isn’t his home.

The guilty verdict disqualifi­es Pu from practicing law, and he must comply with certain restrictio­ns and not commit crimes during the threeyear period or risk being jailed.

Since coming to power in 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping has spearheade­d crackdowns on civil activists, rights lawyers and online freedom of expression, in moves aimed at snuffing out any potential threats to the Communist Party’s grip on power.

Pu was detained shortly after attending a May 2014 meeting to discuss commemorat­ing 25 years since the Tiananmen Square massacre. Hundreds, possibly thousands, of protesters were killed in the crackdown, and the topic remains taboo in China.

After a prolonged investigat­ion, Pu stood trial on Dec 14 – after more than 19 months in detention – for several online comments that questioned Beijing’s ethnic policies and poked fun at some political figures.

Pu’s supporters believe the case was politicall­y driven to punish the outspoken lawyer, who has become a leading figure among China’s human rights lawyers.

Pu was active in defending free speech and represente­d artist Ai Weiwei in a tax evasion case that Ai’s supporters said was politicall­y motivated. He also was instrument­al in pushing for the eventual abolishmen­t of China’s labor camp system, which allowed police to lock up people for up to four years without a trial.

Human rights group Amnesty Internatio­nal welcomed the suspended sentence but condemned the guilty verdict.

“Clearly it is positive that Pu Zhiqiang is unlikely to spend another night in jail, yet that cannot hide the gross injustice against him,” William Nee, China researcher for the group, said in a statement. “He is no criminal and this guilty verdict effectivel­y shackles one of China’s bravest champions of human rights from practicing law.”


The verdict also stirred mixed feelings from Pu’s supporters, who celebrated his release but also said it was an injustice to find him guilty.

“After all, an innocent man has been locked up for 19 months. Under the suspended sentence, he finally can get out,” said supporter Ren Jianyu. “It’s good news but with a feeling of helplessne­ss.”

In one of his online comments, Pu urged Beijing not to treat the ethnic region of Xinjiang as a colony and act as a conqueror and looter.

In another, Pu questioned why there were bloody incidents involving the Muslim minority of Uighurs when Beijing keeps touting how great its ethnic policies are.

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