Arab Times

‘Kuwait is committed to NAM principles, targets’

‘Syria conflict turning bloodier, tragic’


ALGIERS, May 28, (KUNA): Kuwait is fully committed to the principles and objectives promulgate­d by the NonAligned Movement (NAM) which sprung on the internatio­nal scene over half a century ago, said First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Khaled AlSabah in a speech addressing the NAM conference here on Wednesday.

Among issues he referred to in his speech was the Israeli-Palestinia­n peace prospect, noting that Israel had to take serious steps not to violate internatio­nal laws and to endeavor to push forward all attempts at an equitable and just peace for the Middle East’s enduring dilemma.

He lamented the fact that efforts by US Secretary of State John Kerry to revive negotiatio­ns between the Palestine Authority and the Israeli government came to naught. Nonetheles­s, the Kuwaiti foreign minister appealed to the internatio­nal community to exert maximum pressure on Israel to accept the two-state solution.


On the other hand, he commended the recent Palestinia­n national conciliati­on, considerin­g it a significan­t developmen­t on the road to peace in the region.

The Kuwaiti official also spoke at the conference about the crisis in Syria, saying it was turning bloodier and more tragic, since the number of those killed in the conflict exceeded 150,000 victims, and those becoming refugees living outside of Syria more than 2.5 million aside from some six million others displaced within the boundaries of the country.

Stressing Kuwait’s care for the plight of the innocent in Syria, the Kuwaiti minister recalled Kuwait’s hosting in 2013 and in 2014 two internatio­nal donor conference­s geared up to support humanitari­an relief efforts in Syria. More than USD 3.8 billion were pledged at the two conference­s, he said, out of which USD 800 million were pledged by Kuwait.

While he appreciate­d the work done by UN and Arab League representa­tive Lakhdar Al-Ibrahimi toward seeking a solution for Syria, the Kuwaiti minister regretted the decision taken subsequent­ly by Al-Ibrahimi to terminate his crucial and complicate­d mission of peace.

Turning to the issue of a world devoid of the proliferat­ion of weapons of mass destructio­n including nuclear weapons, the Kuwaiti foreign minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Sabah bemoaned — in his speech before the NAM conference — the fact that the Middle East region was not free of such devastatin­g weapons in view of the fact that Non-Proliferat­ion Treaty (NPT) called in principle for a Middle East free of these weapons.

 ?? KUNA photo ?? Kuwait’s envoy to Algeria and embassy officials hosted a dinner banquet in
honour of visiting Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Sabah.
KUNA photo Kuwait’s envoy to Algeria and embassy officials hosted a dinner banquet in honour of visiting Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Sabah.

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