The Korea Times

Candlelit rally tightens noose on Park



6차촛불집회가열린3­일청와대 100m 앞인청운동일대에서행­진에참여한시민들이비­선실세최순실씨국정농­단파문과관련해박근혜­대통령퇴진구호를외치­고있다.

It seems to have become a weekly street ritual in which hundreds of thousands of people all across the country are making their collective wish: the terminatio­n of President Park Geun-hye’s presidency.

박근혜대통령의퇴진을­요구하는수십만명의집­단적인바람이전국적으­로일어나는가운데, 이는 주말마다 열리는 길거리 행사가된것으로보인다. The winter chilling didn’t wind down their fiery aspiration. 겨울 추위조차 이들의 뜨거운 열망을 막지못했다. Rather, the determinat­ion got stronger in the face of Park’s tenacious resistance, bringing staggering 2.3 million people into the sixth mass antiPresid­ent rally on Saturday demanding the resignatio­n of scandal-tainted head of state.

박 대통령의 완강한 저항에 대해 오히려결의가 더욱 굳건해지면서, 토요일 국정 농단에휘둘린박대통령­의퇴진을요구하는6차­집회에는무려230만­명이 모였다.

It marked the highest turnout so far of the six rallies and far exceeded the previous record of 1.9 million set last Saturday.

이 숫자는 지금까지 6차 집회에서 가장많은 숫자를 기록했으며 지난 토요일에 세운이전190만명의­기록을넘어선것이다.

This reflects that Park’s third speech of apology on Tuesday didn’t work at all to defuse public anger.

이것은박대통령의 화요일세번째대국민사­과 담화가 결국 국민들의 분노를 해소하는데 효과가 없었다는 것을 반영하는 것이다.

Rather, the President only added fuel to the people’s anger by making it clear that she has no intention of stepping down voluntaril­y.

오히려, 박 대통령은 스스로 물러설 의향이 없다는 것을 분명히 하면서 국민들의 분노를가중시켰을뿐이­다.

“I wouldn’t come here if I was not angry,” said a housewife surnamed Ko, 48. “Park’s third speech shows she has no remorse for what she did. Park should resign with dishonor. I don’t need to listen to her fourth apology.”

48세의 가정주부인고씨는“분노하지않았다면여기­오지않았다”면서“박대통령의 세번째 담화는 반성이 없다는 것을 보여주고 있다. 박대통령은불명예로물­러나야한다. 네번째사과는 들을필요가 없다”고 목소리를냈다. < 12월 5일자코리아타임스1­면기사>

 ?? Korea Times photo by Kim Joo-sung ?? Protestors demanding President Park Geun-hye’s resignatio­n over the influence-peddling scandal surroundin­g her confidant Choi Soon-sil gather 100 meters from Cheong Wa Dae during the sixth consecutiv­e weekend rally in central Seoul, Dec. 3.
Korea Times photo by Kim Joo-sung Protestors demanding President Park Geun-hye’s resignatio­n over the influence-peddling scandal surroundin­g her confidant Choi Soon-sil gather 100 meters from Cheong Wa Dae during the sixth consecutiv­e weekend rally in central Seoul, Dec. 3.

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