The Star (Jamaica)



Keon is a 24-year-old young man who recently had surgery to fix one of his testicles which had twisted inside the sac. The surgery went alright but Keon is worried that the twisting problem could affect his ability to have children.

The first answer is that most men have two testicles, just like women have two ovaries and people are born with two eyes and two kidneys. Father God, in his great mercy, has provided us with ‘back-ups’! What that means is that if we lose one of those organs we are still ‘good to go’, so long as the other of the pair is in good working condition.

Check UP can refer to more than one woman who have birthed multiple children after losing an ovary, and the same is true of a man. Keon still has both his testicles, so he is still ahead in that situation.

The follow-up answer is that testicular torsion can reduce fertility in some individual­s. What occurs is that the testicle becomes twisted and the blood supply to it can be shut off, in part or whole. The testes are protected by the spermatic cords which get twisted around the testes and can stop the blood supply to the testes. If this condition occurs and is not corrected surgically within a half-day or so, then it is likely that some function capability may well be lost.

The cause is unknown for the most part, but it has been observed to occur at times after strenuous activity. Often, there is no associated cause at all. Testicular torsion causes severe pain of sudden onset with associated swelling of the affected

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