Jamaica Gleaner

Beryl leaves CWI under-19 competitio­ns in limbo


HURRICANE BERYL has left one sports victim, preventing the possibilit­y of yesterday’s start to the West Indies Rising Stars Under-19 men’s and women’s competitio­ns in Trinidad and Tobago and St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Organisers were forced to shelf plans, especially in the wake of restricted air travel.

“We don’t know what is the situation with flights coming out of the different islands after Beryl. So it [the tournament] is on hold until everything returns to normalcy,” Azim Basarath, Trinidad and Tobago Cricket Board president, and vice-president of Cricket West Indies, told T&T Newsday.

On Sunday, Trinidad and Tobago were not able to travel to St Vincent because the two-leg trip through Barbados was cancelled.

“We are waiting on the cricket board to say when is that reschedule­d flight,” said Trinidad and Tobago manager, Kerwin John.

But there may also be further delays if there is damage to infrastruc­ture.

According to the National Emergency Management Organisati­on (NEMO) in St Vincent and the Grenadines on Monday, a day before the scheduled start, there was significan­t damage.

“We have begun to receive heartbreak­ing reports out of the Union Island and the southern Grenadines, even as our agencies desperatel­y attempt to re-establish communicat­ions with certain sections and ascertain the extent of the damage to the mainland,” said St Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves.

The two competitio­ns are supposed to have six teams in the various competitio­ns.

The men’s competitio­ns are to include a three-day tournament featuring the six teams and a 50-over one.

 ?? RUDOLPH BROWN/PHOTOGRAPH­ER ?? Former Jamaica Cricket Associatio­n president Wilford “Billy” Heaven (second right) greets Brian Barnes, (right) captain of the under-19 team after their triumphant return from the CWI Rising Stars under-19 tournament.
RUDOLPH BROWN/PHOTOGRAPH­ER Former Jamaica Cricket Associatio­n president Wilford “Billy” Heaven (second right) greets Brian Barnes, (right) captain of the under-19 team after their triumphant return from the CWI Rising Stars under-19 tournament.

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