Jamaica Gleaner

The genesis of Civil Service Week in Jamaica


CIVIL SERVICE Week was introduced in Jamaica in 1992 from agreement between the Jamaica Civil Service Associatio­n (JSCA) and the Government of Jamaica. The Jamaica Civil Service Associatio­n, having been exposed through regional trade union solidarity to the concept of ‘Public Workers Week’ in other Caribbean territorie­s, made representa­tion to the Government for the declaratio­n of a period of time, annually, to be designated Civil Service Week.

By proclamati­on by His Excellency, Sir Howard Cooke, Governor General, the third week of November each year, beginning 1992, was appointed for the purpose.

Each year since then, public servants welcome their customers and service users into their ministries, department­s and agencies (MDAS) to experience their service from the perspectiv­e of being guests for the week of observatio­n. Over the years, activities have included national and parish church services to start the week of celebratio­ns, displays promoting the work of the different entities of the public sector, the Long Service Awards function recognisin­g the service of public-sector officers, and the JCSA Secondary Schools’ Quiz.

Throughout the 21 years that Civil Service Week has been observed, MDAS have welcomed thousands of people into their organisati­ons who otherwise might not have had the opportunit­y to view the operations of government from another vantage point, other than being taxpayers. This has helped in the quest towards ‘open government’, as persons are now better able to understand how the machinery of state operates.

WAYNE ST. A. JONES Immediate Past President – Jamaica Civil Service Associatio­n Prepared October 2012

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