Jamaica Gleaner

Local associatio­n to host FIG meetings this weekend

- Livingston Scott/gleaner Writer livingston.scott@gleanerjm.com

THE JAMAICA Amateur Gymnastics Associatio­n (JAGA) will host the annual Internatio­nal Gymnastics Federation (FIG) technical committee meetings at Oceans Coral Springs Hotel in Falmouth, November 25-29.

President of JAGA, Nicole Grant-Brown, said it is a great honour for Jamaica to be hosting such a prestigiou­s event.

“This is a big thing for Jamaica. Jamaica is in the Pan Am region and it is an eyeopener when a Pan Am country gets this much attention,” she said.

“This is the first time we are hosting a FIG meeting and it is most important that we make a good impression because we want to try and bid for the congress, which is the major one. So whenever we decide to bid for congress or to host any other FIG event, they will see that we are good hosts,” Grant-brown added.

The FIG technical committee makes decisions on code of points, what skills are to be included, skills to be taken out and reducing or increasing the value of skills. Committee members will arrive two days in advance in order to prejudge Jamaica’s qualifiers for the Pan American Youth Championsh­ip in December, which will be a big help to their preparatio­n.

“The team goes to the Pan Am youth tournament on December 2 and they will be doing us a major favour because these people are judges also.

“They will come and assess the kids and tell them how to capitalise on their technical abilities,” she added.

The Ministry of Tourism, the Jamaica Tourist Board and Elite Diagnostic have partnered with JAGA to host the event.

The FIG meetings will run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. The Men’s Artistic Gymnastics (MAG) and Women’s Artistic Gymnastics (WAG) will have their meetings simultaneo­usly in separate conference rooms.

 ?? FILE ?? Nicole Grant-brown
FILE Nicole Grant-brown

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