Jamaica Gleaner

Playground will enhance discipline, social skills, says acting principal

- Albert Ferguson/gleaner Writer albert.ferguson@gleanerjm.com

CARLENE AUSTINWILL­IAMS, acting principal at the Petersfiel­d Primary and Infant School in Westmorela­nd, says the gift of a playground will help the approximat­ely 700 students to be more discipline­d and develop critical skills for sharing and socialisin­g.

The playground, which forms part of an investment of approximat­ely $4.6 million, or US$30,000, was donated by the Joseph and Vera Douglas Family Foundation (JVDFF) that is based in the United States. The foundation serves at-risk communitie­s in Jamaica by providing educationa­l support and healthcare workshops, including advocating and providing entreprene­urship training for women.

“This is something that we wanted for a very long time because we know students learn well through play. But we could not do it on our own, so Rachel Barrett-dolcine, a past student who is the founder of the JVDFF, has seen our need and lobbied other groups to make that dream come through,” Austin-williams said.

She noted that the entire school and community are enraptured by this foundation for gifting the playground, arguing that while students were locked in at home during the heights of the COVID-19 pandemic, it built up anger that can only be released through the process of play.

“We realise that when they play and interact with each other it brings out some positive changes in them. Therefore, with this playground I know it is going to enhance discipline; it is going to teach them how to share as well,” a beaming Austin-williams explained.

“We acknowledg­ed that one of the problems our children have is that they don’t know how to share – so giving somebody else a chance to use the playground while playing is an added skill they will develop in learning how to share, giving other people chances, and so today I am grateful,” she added.

Barrett-dolcine, in an interview with The Gleaner, said her foundation’s investment in a playground is part of her family’s legacy in helping persons who are at risk, affording them the opportunit­y to achieve their desired goals.

“It was alarming to know that my grandmothe­r, my mother and myself attended this school and to now know that the school was not equipped with a playground,” she said. “Therefore, it was significan­t for me, as a legacy project, to create a space for the kids to play.

“I am really passionate about children and their learning environmen­t, so one of the projects we talked about very early on was a play space to help them develop their motor skills, and to further support their parents in how their children socialise with each other,” the Joseph and Vera Douglas Family Foundation founder stated.

Paul Irving, programme manager at Lasco Chin Foundation, said enhancing the work of the JVDFF was a no-brainer, as they understand their mission and goals.

“We sponsored aspects of this event, it is not our first ‘running’(partnershi­p) with JVD Foundation. Last Christmas, we assisted them with gift packages as a form of relief coming out of the pandemic. And learning about this playground venture, we took the opportunit­y to come and do our little part,” Irving explained.

Richardo Monroe, president of the school’s parent-teacher associatio­n, described the installati­on of the playground as a momentous occasion, noting that it is an opportunit­y that can only redound to be benefit of all students.

“This is an opportunit­y, right at our fingertips, in which the students can not only have this at their disposal today, but for the next 10 or 15 years, students will continue to benefit from this investment,” Monroe said.

 ?? HERBERT MCKENIS/PHOTOGRAPH­ER ?? George Wright (centre), member of parliament for Westmorela­nd Central, and other volunteers helping to install a playground at the Petersfiel­d Primary and Infant School on Saturday, November 19. The recreation area was gifted by the Joseph and Vera Douglas Family Foundation.
HERBERT MCKENIS/PHOTOGRAPH­ER George Wright (centre), member of parliament for Westmorela­nd Central, and other volunteers helping to install a playground at the Petersfiel­d Primary and Infant School on Saturday, November 19. The recreation area was gifted by the Joseph and Vera Douglas Family Foundation.
 ?? ALBERT FERGUSON/PHOTOGRAPH­ER ?? Rachel Barrett-dolcine, founder of the Joseph and Vera Douglas Family Foundation
ALBERT FERGUSON/PHOTOGRAPH­ER Rachel Barrett-dolcine, founder of the Joseph and Vera Douglas Family Foundation
 ?? ALBERT FERGUSON/ PHOTOGRAPH­ER ?? Carleen Austin-williams, acting principal at Petersfiel­d Primary and Infant School.
ALBERT FERGUSON/ PHOTOGRAPH­ER Carleen Austin-williams, acting principal at Petersfiel­d Primary and Infant School.

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