Jamaica Gleaner

Ja’s economic, social problems can be addressed through investment in the people – Keith Duncan


KEITH DUNCAN, president of the Private Sector Organisati­on of Jamaica (PSOJ) and co-chair of Project STAR, says that one of the solutions to Jamaica’s economic and social problems is to invest in its people through a programme of inclusiven­ess, collaborat­ion and a shared vision.

He made the suggestion while addressing the Global Leadership Summit on Thursday, November 17, where he was among eight distinguis­hed speakers addressing 135 countries worldwide.

“It is only through the investment in our people and communitie­s that we will unleash that potential and achieve an inclusive, equitable, sustainabl­e and prosperous society,” he pointed out.

Speaking to the latest initiative created by the PSOJ in partnershi­p with the Jamaica Constabula­ry Force (JCF), Project STAR, Duncan said that the initiative is a scalable effort that will solve the problems as a country, at the community level, while unearthing the potential of the people.

“Most importantl­y, it’s owned and driven by the people within communitie­s. Project STAR and all our partners work with community members to implement their ideas, their solutions based on the needs they have identified for themselves,” he noted. The PSOJ president said that a significan­t pillar of Project STAR is economic transforma­tion where the private sector businesses that have a need for workers will provide jobs for members of the targeted communitie­s that have high levels of unemployme­nt. “Many of the unemployed in the communitie­s are not job ready and require psychosoci­al interventi­on, life skills training and also training in how to function in a structured work environmen­t on top of which technical skills can be layered,” he informed.

Duncan, who is also the chief executive officer of Jamaica Money Market Brokers Group, said that while the employment needs are being addressed within these spaces, there needs to be a total reversal of the educationa­l gaps for the people, which he said can be achieved with greater reallocati­on of resources from vocational training, where there is a significan­t spend on remedial education, to early childhood and primary education, where a solid foundation can be provided for the nation’s children.

“Economic growth in Jamaica is limited by the shortfall of a trained and educated workforce. We cannot begin to address the low productivi­ty, low standard of living and the social problems of our country without making this shift in education,” he emphasised. “We must break the cycle by disrupting education at the foundation level to prepare our young people for higher education and gain valueadded skill sets where everyone can earn higher incomes,” he affirmed.

The Project STAR co-chair said that, through the social and economic transforma­tion initiative­s undertaken by Project STAR, the outcome will be safer, secure, more prosperous communitie­s which will translate into a sustainabl­e reduction in violence and crime.

“I am convinced that the only way we will do this is if we pull the whole of society in to Project STAR and collaborat­e within and outside of the target communitie­s to create sustained change,” he said.

He informed that the response to Project STAR has been positive so far, with the communitie­s, businesses, those in the diaspora, in government being receptive to the “whole-of-society model” and preparing to roll up their sleeves and get involved in making a difference.

“In fact, in less than one year of sharing the vision with Jamaica’s private sector, we have secured more than 80 per cent of the amount targeted from our large corporate companies over the five-year span of the project,” he disclosed.

“Based on the positive energy generated from Project STAR, we are confident that we will have the same level of success with our diaspora crowd funding and our listing on the Jamaica Social Stock Exchange.”

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? Project STAR Project Director Saffrey Brown in conversati­on during a ‘Walk and Talk’ with community members in east downtown Kingston on October 8.
CONTRIBUTE­D Project STAR Project Director Saffrey Brown in conversati­on during a ‘Walk and Talk’ with community members in east downtown Kingston on October 8.

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