Jamaica Gleaner

Best types of tile for kitchen countertop­s


TILE KITCHEN countertop­s are an affordable alternativ­e to traditiona­l solid stone units. Countertop tiles can be made from many of the most popular materials, such as granite or quartz, yet cost just a fraction of the price. Tile countertop­s are also easy to install and repair, making them the perfect project for the DIY home-owner.


Mosaic tile comes in tiny oneinch square units. It is often sold in large sheets that are attached to a mesh backer-board, making for easy and fast installati­on. These tiles can be mixed to create unique patterns and textures, and are very durable. One advantage of mosaic tiles is that they are coloured all the way through, so a chip or crack will not be as visible as with ceramic tile.


Ceramic tile is made from natural clay that is baked to remove excess moisture. It is available in a wide variety of colours and designs that can be mixed and matched to any kitchen. Ceramic tile is affordable, easy to install and very low maintenanc­e. It is also waterproof and able to withstand high temperatur­es from hot dishes. If you choose ceramic tile for your kitchen countertop­s, you should be aware that ceramic tile can crack or chip if heavy objects are dropped on to it. To minimise grout stains, you can choose a dark grout and use a grout sealer to protect the seams from dirt.


Quartz tile is a manufactur­ed product designed to look similar to granite while offering superior performanc­e. It is made from crushed quartz crystals pressed together with resin. Quartz tile has a smooth and uniform surface with a consistent grain. It is slightly less expensive than granite and is much more durable and long-lasting. Unlike granite, quartz tiles do not need to be sealed. They are completely non-porous, which prevents bacteria from becoming trapped in the surface. Quartz cannot be repaired as easily as granite, however, and it offers none of the natural beauty and colour variation of real stone.


Granite tile is a natural stone product that is widely popular in kitchen decor. Tiles made from granite offer the beauty of natural stone at a fraction of the cost. Granite tiles often have a mottled surface that helps to hide dirt and fingerprin­ts and are incredibly strong and long-lasting. Like all granite products, these tiles must be sealed after installati­on and at least once a year for the duration of their use.

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