Jamaica Gleaner

Lessons from Hurricane Gilbert for coronaviru­s

- Reverend Devon Dick Rev Devon Dick is pastor of the Boulevard Baptist Church in St Andrew. He is author of ‘The Cross and the Machete’, and ‘Rebellion to Riot’. Send feedback to columns@ gleanerjm.com.

LAST WEEK, on TVJ’s Smile Jamaica, a young lady was giving tips about homeschool­ing during the coronaviru­s (COVID-19) crisis. She encouraged both parents at home to be involved and use a digital platform.

Obviously, this lady does not realise that most

Jamaican families are single-parent households and Internet penetratio­n is not widespread enough. Therefore, the RJRGLEANER Communicat­ions Group should be commended for collaborat­ing with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Informatio­n in broadcasti­ng teaching material and lessons for our children who are at home.

It is so easy to make the mistake of catering to the needs of persons who are in the middle and upper classes, while ignoring persons who are within the working class and below the poverty line. That mistake I made in 1988, in the aftermath of Hurricane Gilbert. At that time, I had been pastoring for three years. A group of Christians from the denominati­on of the Mennonites out of Florida, in the United States, under the leadership of Brother Yoder, helped the residents of Mt Pelier, Hanover, to recover. However, I dissociate­d myself when, in a meeting to discuss reconstruc­tion, the Mennonites decided to build communal washrooms and communal bathrooms for the citizens of Mt Pelier. I thought this was insulting and unnecessar­y. To cut a long story short, after the erection of the community bathrooms and laundry area there was a ceremony, and almost the entire community turned out, and it was covered by RJR. The people were grateful for these amenities.


Though I had been walking in the community and visiting homes for three years, I did not realise that so many persons were without bathrooms and washrooms. It is easy to see what you expect to see, and not understand the harsh realities of many Jamaicans. Hopefully, the influencer­s and implemente­rs will appreciate the genuine conditions and needs of persons who are poor and elderly. In other words, too many people do not have adequate water supply, live in crowded spaces, and rely on ‘Jamaican toilet paper’.

There are some other lessons from Category 5 Hurricane Gilbert. There was massive infrastruc­tural devastatio­n. Perhaps the finest hour for Rt Hon Edward Seaga, as prime minister, was the quick manner in which electricit­y was restored. The Seaga administra­tion establishe­d Project Accord, which distribute­d food and other supplies equitably, efficientl­y, and effectivel­y. It was only the zinc distributi­on that was a source of corruption. I remember travelling daily from Montego Bay to Sandy Bay with goods from Project Accord. I gave all to Deacon Vicki Blagrove of the Fletcher’s Grove Baptist Church, and the items went to the persons who were needy. It is wise to use the Church with its network, history of volunteeri­sm, and integrity in distributi­ng relief supplies.

Hurricane Gilbert caused mental stress. I could not sleep properly. When one looked to the hills of Mt Pelier, there were houses that were flattened. Though some love to malign the Church in general, there have been some great work by the church, which continue to this day.

Those Mennonites were of a different race. They had no church or church members in Mt Pelier. Yet, they, with the cooperatio­n of Jeremiah ‘Jerry’ Dehaney of Youth for Christ fame, met and discussed how best to help. Many houses were restored. The Mennonites did not seek members or try to establish a church. They did the job and left. The lesson for the Church in the COVID-19 crisis is to help the neediest without any intention to seek membership, but only to seek the glory of God and the relief of human suffering.

The main lesson is to understand and help the neediest persons.

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