Jamaica Gleaner

When corruption and ethics collide

- Glenville Ashby PhD

Book: The Blooming System Author: Sheldon Peart

SHELDON PEART’S That Blooming System is an artful work that imitates life to the ninth degree. It is here that good conscience is turned on its head, and the edict we are our brother’s keeper, is shredded and discarded.

Protagonis­t Nedson Pedley is an ambitious and able young man caught in a maelstrom of political corruption, cronyism and thievery on the fictional Caribbean island of St George.

Pedley, at a young age, baulks at the lassitude, monotony, and sterility of his surroundin­gs. Born out of season, he shows his intoleranc­e, uttering, “I would never understand why big, grown men, are so contented with a slavery-like existence. Why would Maas Busha and the others, and their children, do the same back-breaking, unrewardin­g work every day, year after miserable year, for their entire lives?” He convinces himself that he “would break [the] village chain of drudgery”.

If Pedley sought a more capturing existence, he finds that, and more, at the National Developmen­t Bureau. There, partisansh­ip and naked corruption are laid bare.

Pedley is measured, intelligen­t, efficient, and above all, observant. He quickly identifies discrepanc­ies in contractua­l agreements and invoices. His keen eyes are met with resistance, threats, and accusation­s of being a mole, a political spy for the opposition party.


He is counselled by a seasoned worker, “... I’m here to encourage you not to allow anyone to intimidate you. You are a promising lad. This place will corrupt you, if you are greedy and weak. Many of the workers are crooked, and most of the politician­s dishonest. But you are from a Christian home, and that should make you survive.”

Frustratio­n with a stubbornly recalcitra­nt system boils over.

Pedley is warmed: “It pains my heart ... But you tell me, what do you do when the same names appear on politician­s’ work programme’s, month after month, and your red flag tells you that many of these persons are close relatives, and others have done no work? What the hell you do when you hear from a reliable source that certain officers and politician­s have prepared fictitious contracts in order to purchase tyres, or pay for repairs to their motor vehicles? And what do you do when you can’t identify the fictitious contracts at a glance, and the thieves are aware that you haven’t got the wherewitha­l to investigat­e all the worksites throughout the parish?”

Pedley, startled, is all ears. “You’re too young even to begin to understand the extent of their corruption. Let me give you a real striking case. A few years ago, the chairman’s nephew acquired some heavyduty trucks and road constructi­on equipment ... the whole works. He formed a company called ‘We Construct Ltd’ ... I am talking about a 19-year-old boy.

“It was no coincidenc­e that 90 per cent of all contracts in the bureau was awarded to ‘We Construct Ltd.’ Nearly all of the politician­s found favour with this contractor, despite bids from several other eligible contractor­s.”

Reality soaks in. Pedley understand­s the corrupt labyrinth that threatens to smother him.

He is forced to reassess his standing. Integrity is his only compass. He peers into the rotting soul of his surroundin­gs. “I had come to realise that the political representa­tives at the bureau were uneducated, for the most part, yet they sought to disregard the advice of the officers employed to inform and guide their decisions. In fact, they would abuse and tear down any officer who stood up to them ...”

Laboured by overt corruption workers challenge the chairman of the bureau and its politicall­y laden culture. Workers strike and a foreboding atmosphere spread through the parish. Mayhem ensues as one worker cries out,

“... it is much about us, the little worker, who the politician­s kick around every day, and fire when they want their people to get the work”.

Gradually, the tides turn and the unscrupulo­us are brought to justice. The fate of others hang in the balance. In a prophetic tone, the outgoing CEO of the bureau cautions all who dare listen, “You have accused me of coming here to send people to prison. I have said no such thing. But if I have failed in any area, it is my inability to gather enough evidence to have sent more of you to prison. But it will happen. Those who will succeed me, and the older ones of us, will continue the fight to rid the bureau of corruption.”


The transfer of Pedley and his colleagues – the good guys – is telling. The fate of this young man is anyone’s guess. And so, too, is the future of the bureau and the two political parties that jockey for unbridled power.

With bated breaths we anticipate the denouement of this saga.

Surely, Peart has delivered a narrative with far-reaching implicatio­ns. In many ways, ‘Blooming’ is a indictment on nations pillaged by self-serving politician­s and their cohorts.

Political excess, tribalism and cronyism have made beggars of nations. Such is the devastatio­n of corruption; such is the consummate evil of greed. For sheer relevance, Peart has scored big. Really big.

Ratings: Recommende­d

Feedback: glenvillea­shby@gmail.com or follow him on Twitter@glenvillea­shby


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