Jamaica Gleaner

Scientists improve malaria drug production



SCIENTISTS IN Germany who developed a new way to make a key malaria drug several years ago said yesterday they have come up with a technique to make the process even more efficient, which should increase global access and reduce the cost.

The new procedure refines a method developed in 2012 at the Max Planck Institute to use the waste product from the production of artemisini­n, which is extracted from a plant known as sweet wormwood, to produce the drug itself. That involved a new machine that could convert about 40 per cent of the waste acid into ar temisinin itself, producing more of the drug from what had in the past been discarded.

The new procedure uses the plant’s own chlorophyl­l instead of additional chemicals as catalysts to drive the reaction, directly using the crude materials to produce the drug more efficientl­y, chemist Kerry Gilmore said.

“We’re able to get much more out of the plant than ever before,” he said. “The process we have now is more efficient and significan­tly cheaper than what we had in 2012.”

The World Health Organizati­on reported in November that there were 216 million malaria cases worldwide in 2016, up 5 million over 2015, and 445,000 people died of the disease, primarily children. Ar temisinin-based therapies are considered the best treatment, but often cost far too much for many of the impoverish­ed communitie­s worst hit by malaria.

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