Jamaica Gleaner

Is the pot finally facing its reflection?


THE EDITOR, Sir: WHILE WE have been subject to hearing the pot calling the kettle black for months now, it appears that the pot will finally face its reflection. Since the change of administra­tion, the Opposition People’s National Party (PNP) has rapped the Government consistent­ly for what it deems poor governance and the lack of a workable crime plan.

Here we are, a week after the revelation of a major gun bust destined for Montego Bay, and whom do we find in the centre of the controvers­y. Someone allegedly aligned to the PNP. While no charges have been laid and the investigat­ions are ongoing, I can’t help but rely on innate teachings that birds of a feather do indeed flock together.

This does not reflect well on the PNP, the hypocrisy of it all. While they clamoured for a crime plan, actively resisted the zones of special operations, the National Identifica­tion System (NIDS), and are yet to answer the minister of national security’s invitation for an all-stakeholde­r meeting, here they are at the centre of one of the largest gun finds ever. Had these guns made their way into the island, the result could surely have been catastroph­ic.

The consignee on the ill-fated shipment of four rifles, 115 pistols, 139 magazines, 103 rounds of 9mm ammunition, 50 rounds of .357 ammunition, 50 rounds of .45 ammunition, 24 rounds of .40 ammunition, 40 rounds of .223 ammunition, nine handgun back straps, five magazine parts, three pistol grips, three butt stocks, and other weapons parts is alleged to be a former employee of a PNP councillor. Is it that the councillor was completely unaware of the character of his former employee? Did she apply for the post under an alias? Was no background check carried out?

It appears that the National Identifica­tion System may not be such a terrible idea after all.


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