Jamaica Gleaner

Physically strong, morally weak


EVERY STRONG leader has a weakness and, because strong leaders attract strong adversarie­s, they must surround themselves with strong advisers and wise counsel, because it [the weakness] can be a deterrent to their vision.

Many times when great leaders fall, whether in Church or in the secular world, many people will have an outcry. Oftentimes, however, those with the loudest voices are often the ones who are pushing for a moralless society.

The word ‘moral’ in this sense means ‘a person's standards of behaviour or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do.’

When strong leaders who are morally weak surround themselves with those who are also morally weak, they will further weaken the leader, and that is a recipe for disaster. The problem we are facing globally is not about education, but is, in fact, a moral one.

Samson in the Bible was a physically strong leader, but he was morally weak. The very thing that God raised him up to kill is the very thing that blinded him. He could conquer and kill the Philistine­s, but he could not control his passion. As a result, it affected his vision, mandate, and purpose.


There are many strong leaders within society, but they have now become politicall­y correct. Some are calling black white, and white black! Some are being blackmaile­d; meanwhile, some have literally gone into hiding. Strong morals are the keys to success and prosperity.

If the advisers possess greed and have money without any moral compass, then it is just a matter of time before they sell their leader to the highest bidder. You need to ask yourself the questions:

In whom do you confide? To whom are you telling your secrets? With whom are you in covenant?

Know that it is quite likely that some of you are in covenant with some of those who are still in covenant with those who want to destroy you! Your friend

may very well be a friend to your enemy.

Every leader should always observe more closely those who are unwilling to close the door to their enemies and often want you to give your enemies a chance to be heard – much like Delilah. If a person is willing to sleep with the boss for promotion or money, then it is only a matter of time before they do the same thing with your boss’ boss. It is critical for every leader, regardless of gender, to ask God to strengthen them on a daily basis. Oftentimes when people fall or get into problems, they say it is a mistake or that ‘it just happened’.

Those with the loudest voices are often the ones who are pushing for a moralless society.

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