Jamaica Gleaner

God’s timing is best, says Tirzah

- Shanique Samuels Gleaner Writer familyandr­eligion@gleanerjm.com

TIRZAH JAMES-NOEL can attest to the fact that prayer does work as it changed many things in her life. After praying for a good husband for almost 10 years, finally, her prayers were answered — and in the same way her request was made to God, so was it was fulfilled.

“I always prayed to God for a good and godly husband when the time came. I met my now husband at the University of the West Indies eight years ago and we went to the same church. Unfortunat­ely — and fortunatel­y — I failed a course that semester and had to do summer school, which is where we got to know each other even better. Our relationsh­ip was shortlived because by the next year, he had to move back to his country to finish his studies,” she said, adding that they lost contact with each other for a while.

“Days turned to months and months into years. We lost touch, but as God would have it, a simple Facebook message got us talking again, and eventually, we got to see each other, and then courtship began. We got married in December of last year, and that taught me that God’s timing is always best, and it is always perfect, so we just have to wait,” she explained to Family & Religion.

Tirzah attends the Portland Cottage and Liliput Wesleyan Holiness churches and gave her life to Christ in 1999. This was somewhat because she is the daughter of a pastor.

“As a pastor’s child, I was always taught about God and His love for us. So one night in a crusade, I felt a prompting to give my heart to the Lord, and while not understand­ing some things, I decided to take the step and have never regretted it,” she told Family & Religion.


Since becoming a Christian over 18 years ago, Tirzah has endured many challenges and has to deal with many issues to stay steadfast in her walk in Christendo­m.

“As a pastor’s kid, it is expected that your life should be an example to others, which, at times, brought some amount of pressure. But I was focused on the fact that I’m living for Christ and not people. Personal Bible drift and prayer time is also a challenge, and there have been good times and not-so-good times. But key is to never stop trying,” she said.

“Having a constant friend to talk to knowing that God is always there waiting to hear from me is one of the best things about my Christian journey.”

Before migrating, James-Noel was a part of the praise and worship team and she was also the children’s missionary director. Now at her new church she hopes to continue ministerin­g in those areas.

“God sent His Son to die for you just as you are. After accepting Christ, there will be no overnight fix; it’s a journey filled with ups and downs. Resist the condemnati­on of the devil and keep moving forward because Jesus paid it all. Our righteous is only found in Christ, so don’t stay down when you have fallen” she concluded.

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