Jamaica Gleaner

Buggery central to US foreign policy


THE EDITOR, Sir: AS NIGHT follows day, the legalisati­on of buggery and samesex marriage will inevitably be a norm in Jamaica. When President Obama visited Jamaica and spoke at the University of the West Indies town hall meeting, he made a commitment to our youths to help in training and employment.

Many of us thought that his first envoys deployed to Jamaica to flesh out such proposals would be youth advocates. Not so. Instead, what has followed are United States gay-rights advocates.

What does this tell us about the priorities of Mr Obama? What about bilateral talks with the prime minister on energy and security? What about the legalisati­on of medical marijuana? What about the footage from the aircraft that circled Tivoli Gardens during the May 2010 security force operation?

All these and a raft of other problems we face need to be engaged by the president. But like the United Nations and leaders in the developed world, buggery and same-sex marriage are their No. 1 issue.

Which means t hat we are talking at cross-purposes. The people who determine our future – these rich and powerful nations that buy our products, send tourists to our shores, give us aid and grants – have all accepted or are in the process of accepting buggery and same-sex marriage. How can we say no? No doubt, it will require a huge cultural shift to say yes, but like the legalisati­on of ganja, it is inevitable.

Bruce Golding was stubborn, Portia Simpson Miller politicall­y correct, and Andrew Holness diplomatic. All have tried to postpone the inevitable.

Poor Mark Golding, the justice minister. He thought that the United Nations leaders would be concerned by how impoverish­ed Jamaica has become, as well as the threat of social unrest over wage increases, unemployme­nt, crime, the abuse of children and about how the US can help us. MARK CLARKE mark_clarke9@yahoo.com Siloah PO, St Elizabeth

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