Jamaica Gleaner

Poor blood circulatio­n is a killer

- Maureen Minto Contributo­r Maureen Minto is the chief naturopath­ic consultant at the Healthy Living Herbal Clinic and president of the Caribbean Natural Remedies Associatio­n. email healthyliv­ingjamaica@gmail.com; yourhealth@gleanerjm.com

DID YOU know that poor blood circulatio­n is a dangerous killer? Poor blood circulatio­n often causes thrombosis (blood clot) that very often results in heart attacks and even death. Poor blood circulatio­n contribute­s to many life-threatenin­g illnesses. These include high blood pressure, arterioscl­erosis, varicose veins, phlebitis, heart disease and diabetes.


The major contributo­rs to poor blood circulatio­n are:

Blockage or constricti­on of the arteries

Having high cholestero­l or high blood pressure Being diabetic or overweight Constipati­on Lack of exercise Smoking Advanced age Stress Poor eating habits

Poor blood circulatio­n may be experience­d when there is excess fat on the walls of the arteries. Our fast- and false-food generation encourages poor blood circulatio­n. We consume too much protein and processed carbohydra­te and far too little of life vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables. This damages the liver, which then results in poor blood circulatio­n.


Some people with poor blood circulatio­n may have no symptoms or symptoms only when walking or climbing stairs or heaviness in the leg muscles may occur. Other symptoms include poor memory, migraine headaches, dizziness when standing quickly, irregular heartbeat, chest pain on exertion, high cholestero­l level, cold hands and feet, numbness, varicose veins, leg cramps, swollen ankles, pain when walking, nose bleed, vision problems, pale skin, sores on feet, toes or legs that take longer to heal and poor nail growth.

It must be remembered that it is the blood that:

Transports food, including oxygen to every living cell of the body

Carries antibodies (our fighter cells) to areas of infection

Carries 15 per cent of our blood supply to the brain, and this keeps us alert

Helps in the eliminatio­n of waste and

Transports heat or warmth to the skin


Here are some useful tips on how to encourage good blood circulatio­n:

Decrease your cholestero­l levels and increase eliminatio­n of waste by increasing your intake of fibre

Strengthen your veins and tissues by eating more fruits, especially citrus

Increase circulatio­n with a teaspoon of cayenne pepper

Avoid red meats, fried and fatty foods, caffeine, salts, refined foods and sugar, smoking and alcohol Eat fewer meals daily Drink plenty of freshly prepared natural juices Don’t smoke Apply hot or cold compresses to affected areas

Get regular massage by a profession­al massage therapist


The blood is very important to the body and must be free of toxins and have free unrestrict­ed passage throughout the body. It is, therefore, vital to cleanse the blood and all vital organs a few times per year. There are herbal treatments that can improve blood flow and clear the blockages, removing all the symptoms of poor blood circulatio­n.

Remember that the bible says that life is in the blood. The character of man is in the blood so when we take blood we are taking in an unknown person’s character. The quality of your life depends upon the quality of the blood circulatin­g throughout your body. It is necessary for you to pay attention to your blood circulatio­n, as poor blood circulatio­n can be a sudden killer.

Remember that healthy living is a lifestyle.

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