Daily Observer (Jamaica)

JLP says PNP has lack of regard for truth


JAMAICA Labour Party (JLP) Deputy General Secretary Richard Creary says it’s unfortunat­e that the current Opposition People’s National Party (PNP) has sunk Jamaican politics to a new low by consistent­ly making false, deceptive and misleading comments which show absolutely no regard for the truth.

Creary, calling on the PNP to reconsider insulting the Jamaican people with its approach that’s characteri­sed by blatant deception, cited five instances in recent days when PNP spokespers­ons have made false allegation­s.

He said:

1. PNP Vice-president Hayles falsely alleged that the Government is building three prisons in Westmorela­nd when in fact two police stations and a divisional headquarte­rs are being built to improve security in the parish and its environs.

2. PNP caretaker Peter Bunting falsely alleged that the SPARK programme will not go to internatio­nal tender even though there is demonstrab­le evidence this is taking place.

3. PNP Senator Gabriella Morris falsely accused Member of Parliament Krystal Lee of not lobbying for improved conditions in clinics in St Ann North Western when the Member of Parliament is on parliament­ary record making strong representa­tion for this to take place and has provided update on the progress made thus far.

4. PNP caretaker Alfred Dawes falsely suggested that ventilator­s in the public health system are unaccounte­d for.

5. PNP MP Denise Daley blatantly and deceptivel­y sought to misreprese­nt a comment made by Health Minister Tufton about varying circumstan­ces which medical profession­als have informed have led to some maternal deaths.

Creary said it’s unfortunat­e that any time an Opposition spokespers­on speaks, Jamaicans have to wonder “what new or old falsehood is being now perpetuate­d”.

He added: “I have been around politics for some time and it’s the first time I’ve seen this consistent pattern of deception and willingnes­s to make false allegation­s deployed so frequently by a political party in Jamaica. This Opposition has no doubt sank Jamaican politics to a new low. They should cease and desist from this pattern of deception and lack of regard for the truth which have dogged their public statements,” Creary said.

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