Daily Observer (Jamaica)

Ja Music Museum presents Roy Rayon in 65/45 concert


JAMAICA Music Museum (JAMM), in associatio­n with Stage Records, presents the legendary four-time Jamaica Festival Song Competitio­n winner Roy Rayon in concert.

The concert, 65/45 Live, Roy Rayon and Friends, is a joyous celebratio­n of Rayon’s milestone birthday and his 45 in the music business, a journey marked by well-known and beloved hits such as Love Fever, Give Thanks and Praises, and Country Boy.

The event is set for Sunday, July 7 at the Institute of Jamaica’s (IOJ) Performanc­e Hall.

The varied and dynamic line-up, backed by the Fab 5, will include the soulful One Man Girl singer Gem Myers and the 2018 Festival Song Competitio­n winner Nazzle Man.

Jamaican storytelle­r Dr Amina Blackwood Meeks will narrate Rayon’s inspiring journey.

Attendees can look forward to a mix of old favourites and new and previously unreleased music by the energetic singer, who is adored by internatio­nal and Jamaican audiences for his captivatin­g performanc­es.

“In this monumental year, when we celebrate 60 years of the musical contributi­ons of the Skatalites, eighty years of the socio-political importance of universal adult suffrage, and the Institute of Jamaica’s 145th anniversar­y, it is imperative that we celebrate the contributi­on of Roy Rayon’s 45th year of success and longevity as an embodiment of those achievemen­ts in social and artistic developmen­t in Jamaica,” director/curator of the Jamaica Music Museum, Herbie Miller, expressed.

The concert is one in a series of events planned by JAMM to celebrate the 145th anniversar­y of the Institute of Jamaica, the premier sociocultu­ral institutio­n and repository of Jamaican heritage, the nation’s bedrock. The series includes the exhibition Curating Music: Building a National Collection, last Sunday’s curatorial talks, concerts, and symposia celebratin­g the IOJ’S achievemen­ts and the contributi­on of cultural stewards.

JAMM, a division of the institute, an agency of the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainm­ent and Sport, hosts a vast collection of Jamaica’s musical history, including artefacts and instrument­s related to various practition­ers and vital occasions in music.

In addition to its flagship Grounation series, Roy Rayon 65/45 in concert adds to JAMM’S stellar production­s.

“This concert will be a celebratio­n for me to give full range of my creative abilities. I want everyone to come and have a great time, listening and singing along to some of my classics and some new songs that I have been wanting to share. It will be a great time,” Rayon said.

 ?? ?? Roy Rayon
Roy Rayon

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