Daily Observer (Jamaica)

High hopes for Revival rhythm

- BY KEDIESHA PERRY Observer writer entertainm­ent@jamaicaobs­erver.com

DESPITE intermitte­nt rainfall on Wednesday night, reggae lovers turned out for the media release of the Revival rhythm courtesy of Heart Ah Love Records Inc at Janga’s Soundbar and Grill in New Kingston.

The project, which features Devano, Elijah Prophet,

Fantan Mojah, J A Outlaw, Lutan Fyah, Lymie Murray, Munga Honorable, Natty

Sean, Richie Spice, Sizzla Kalonji, and Turbulence is aimed at spreading consciousn­ess.

“We’re hoping that we can reach a wide audience, because all the songs [on the rhythm] are very positive and they have a message, so we’re hoping that we could change the narrative a bit and let people know that positive music is still out there. We have a younger generation coming up; we want them to hear positivity. We want to help spread morals and values,” Kim Ambrose, public relations representa­tive of the Canadian-based record label, told the Jamaica Observer on Wednesday.

Heart Ah Love Records has been around for a few years; however, it was officially registered last year.

Ambrose noted that many of the acts on the rhythm fell in love with it once they heard it, hence the full line-up.

“It [the rhythm] was created for a collab between Natty Sean and one of Jamaica’s iconic female artistes. Nigel Staff of Ruff Kutt band — he’s the one who actually created the rhythm — and when we were putting it together, Sizzla Kalonji came to the studio and liked the rhythm… a few more people listened to it and they liked it and decided to put a track on it,” she explained.

Wednesday’s launch also saw special performanc­es by some of the artistes on the rhythm including Turbulence and Sizzla. The latter went a step further by rendering some of his other hits like Praise Ye Jah and Give Me A Try.

 ?? (Photos: Joseph Wellington) ?? Donovan “Blacker” Blackwood (left), recording artiste, and Isaiah Laing, show promoter, show up for the Revival rhythm launch.
(Photos: Joseph Wellington) Donovan “Blacker” Blackwood (left), recording artiste, and Isaiah Laing, show promoter, show up for the Revival rhythm launch.
 ?? ?? Natty Sean, one of the artistes on the rhythm, poses with public relations representa­tive Kim Ambrose for Heart Ah Love Records.
Natty Sean, one of the artistes on the rhythm, poses with public relations representa­tive Kim Ambrose for Heart Ah Love Records.
 ?? ?? AMBROSE... all the songs [on the rhythm] are very positive and they have a message
AMBROSE... all the songs [on the rhythm] are very positive and they have a message

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