Daily Observer (Jamaica)

‘Continuity… a legacy of artistry’

National Gallery celebrates 50


NATIONAL Gallery of Jamaica (NGJ) this year celebrates its 50th anniversar­y.

First opened to the public on November 14, 1974 at the historic Devon House, at that time the management team was tasked with three key objectives:

• conservati­on through the acquisitio­n of artworks;

• recreation through exhibiting works for accessible viewing by the Jamaican public; and

• education through programmin­g, scholarshi­p, and community-building.

Half a century later, the present the NGJ team remains steadfast in these commitment­s.

Still, the NGJ has had to persevere through the changing dynamics of the Jamaican society and cultural infrastruc­ture, all the while expanding its collection, exhibition­s, and public offerings and continuing to evolve to serve its various publics, including audiences in western Jamaica, with the establishm­ent of National Gallery West in 2013.

Themed ‘Continuity… A Legacy of Artistry’, the gallery will be directing its energies to pay homage to past accomplish­ments, while simultaneo­usly reinforcin­g our commitment to even greater accomplish­ments in the future.

Key events for the year include ‘The Face of Us’ exhibition until March 31, 2024 and observance of the 113th birthday anniversar­y of Jamaican intuitive Mallica “Kapo” Reynolds — the exhibition layout Kapo Galleries will be revised and the rooms reopened to the public.

In honour of Kapo’s birthday anniversar­y this year, the gallery will be premiering on Youtube a video interview with Dr Karen Carpenter, clinical sexologist and licensed counsellin­g psychologi­st, and Dr Kirt Henry, senior director of the African Caribbean Institute of Jamaica/jamaica Memory Bank (ACIJ/JMB) on the topic ‘Gender Dynamics in the Art of Kapo’.

From June 30, 2024 to September 29, 2024 the exhibition entitled ‘Continuity: NGJ 50th Anniversar­y Exhibition’ will highlight contempora­ry Jamaican artwork.

September 12, 2024 to October 6, 2024 will see a Japan/jamaica Photograph­ic Art Exhibition — a collaborat­ion between the NGJ and the Japan Embassy in Jamaica, there will also be a reciprocal exhibition of Jamaican photograph­y scheduled to be hosted in Shinjuku, Tokyo.

On November 10, 2024 NGJ will mount ‘Devon House: Revisited’, an artistic interventi­on at the gallery’s former home.

Then December 15, 2024 being the Kingston Biennial, the NGJ’S flagship exhibitio

Visitors and supporters can look forward to more details on other initiative­s in support of the NGJ’S 50th anniversar­y.

The NGJ is the largest and oldest public art museum in the English-speaking Caribbean.

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