Daily Observer (Jamaica)

White evangelica­lism and the Trumpian menace

- Raulston Nembhard

THERE is an English saying that he who dines with the devil should carry or use a long spoon. The saying suggests that if you are preparing to deal with an evil person, you should exercise the greatest care or you could be corrupted or even hurt by that individual. In other words, keep your distance. If you know of the person’s bona fides, you would be well advised to not have any dealing with such an individual in the first place.

White evangelica­ls in America seem not to have heard of this saying, or if they are aware of it, ignored its salience and dined with former President Donald Trump for a considerab­le period. As history has revealed, they obviously used too short a spoon and now they have eggs splattered over their collective faces.

It is not that they did not know who they were sitting with at the table. From very early in his campaign for the presidency Trump demonstrat­ed who he truly was: a man who would mock the disabled; grab women by their genitals; and be mercurial during his campaigns by encouragin­g people to bring violence to those who disrupted his meetings and promising to defend their actions. Before he ran for office he had proven himself to be a dean of lawsuits, thus presenting a personalit­y which did not brook compromise. By his own admission, he would exact the highest punishment from those he perceived to be enemies.

Evangelica­ls knew all this and much more before he got elected. But they genuflecte­d to him anyway, seeing him as the person who could best carry out their agenda as president. They decided to dine with him, especially when he was disastrous­ly elected and entered the hallowed halls of the White House. There Trump doubled down on the most egregious aspects of his obviously chequered personalit­y, and they in turn doubled down on their support for him. They met with him, prayed with him, and some declared him as God’s messiah for the time. Others believed he was anointed by God to be where he was.

They suspended all judgement or criticism of him. Even in the worst medical crisis the nation faced, they remained stunningly silent while the president’s mismanagem­ent of the COVID-19 crisis caused many deaths across the country. They remained silent when he executed policies that were clearly discrimina­tory of vulnerable groups and minorities. Most importantl­y, the white evangelica­l community lost its tongue when Trump egged on a crowd to assault the citadel of the nation’s democracy, the Capitol, with an aim to prevent the counting of the

people’s vote in a presidenti­al election. His ultimate aim was to usurp power and continue as president, even if he had to decapitate the people’s legislator­s in Congress.

During this sordid episode and immediatel­y after, to the best of my knowledge, none of the leaders who supported Trump’s presidency came out to stridently denounce this flagrant attack on the country’s democratic traditions. And they have not had anything to say about the numerous attempts in Republican-governed states to suppress the vote by making it harder for minority communitie­s to vote.

These evangelica­ls were prepared to suspend any moral integrity they possessed in service to their greater good as they saw in Trump the one best able to carry out their wishes of stacking the courts, including the Supreme Court, with individual­s who matched their religious propensiti­es.

In significan­t ways Trump triumphed in this. He appointed a lot of conservati­ve judges to appellate benches and had three supreme court judges ascend to the bench. This eventually resulted in the evangelica­l’s coveted desire to overthrow Roe v Wade, the federal law which okayed abortions.

As long as Trump was willing to carry their agenda, they were willing to excuse or ignore his worst excesses. Even if the food was getting less sumptuous in the dining room, they were willing to take one for the cause.

But now some of them are realising that they have been “played” just as much as they tried to “play” Trump. They failed to reckon seriously with the transactio­nal nature of the former president. Now that relations between the two are souring and the food in the dining room has become very stale, Trump is calling them disloyal as the shine is now dulling on his ball. These evangelica­l weasels are now discoverin­g, treacherou­sly belatedly, that Trump is not to be trusted with power in the future. Some of them are beginning to see what some of us saw from the beginning — Trump is not fit for office.

You may be asking why I have been using the term “white evangelica­ls”. Evangelica­ls in America are not a monolithic group. The culture of white evangelica­lism is distinctly different from that of, say, black evangelica­ls or Hispanic and Asian evangelica­ls. So it is not entirely correct to use the term “evangelica­l” as a general blanket to define evangelica­lism in America. They may read or preach from the same Bible, but the black evangelica­l community has no doubt that their cultural identity, political aspiration­s, and religious dispositio­ns have no relevance to that of the whites. This distinctio­n needs to be understood as I have heard the term thrown around as a general reference to all evangelica­l groups in the country.

It is indeed white evangelica­lism that sold its soul to Trump and is now disillusio­ned. One can be sure that if Trump was not diminishin­g in influence they would still be in his camp. If there was once a moral core that defined this group, associatio­n with Trump has led to its dissipatio­n in the public square. During the Trump era, and even today, its leadership has remained largely hypocritic­al. Their weasel-like behaviour in support of Trump has caused great harm to the preservati­on of democracy in the country. For this they should be greatly ashamed.

But are they? One thing you know about hypocrites or weasels is that they will fall for anything because for them the end justifies the means. Now they seem to be morphing into a crust of Christian nationalis­m, an assertion of white nationalis­t power dominated by so-called Christian leaders. What seems clear is that the congregant­s, the people in the pews of these evangelica­l churches, have not relinquish­ed their support for Trump. They are still an essential part of his base, even if their leaders are not. Herein lies the dilemma they will face in the near future as a viable community. How do they disengage from Trump and still maintain their influence over their congregant­s? How do they now tell them that they were wrong about Trump, that they bastardise­d the gospel in service to the great Leviathan, the biblical and mythical fearsome monster of the deep?

The lesson for the Church in Jamaica continues to be that leadership at every level, especially the political, must be scrutinise­d and held to the highest canons of accountabi­lity. The rigid and serious contours of the gospel message must never be denuded or put in service of a political directorat­e, however noble it may present itself. The Church must be able to say at all times, without fear or favour, “Thus saith the Lord.”

Dr Raulston Nembhard is a priest, social commentato­r, and author of the books Finding Peace in the Midst of Life’s Storm; Your Selfesteem Guide to a Better Life; and Beyond Petulance: Republican Politics and the Future of America. Send comments to the Jamaica Observer or stead6655@

 ?? (Photo: AP) ?? A scene from the Capitol riots in Washington, DC, on Janaury 6, 2021
(Photo: AP) A scene from the Capitol riots in Washington, DC, on Janaury 6, 2021
 ?? ?? Donald Trump
Donald Trump
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