Daily Observer (Jamaica)

Sygnus educates and engages university students on the world of alternativ­e investment­s


TEAM members from Sygnus recently participat­ed as panellists at The University of the West Indies Young Investors’ Club’s Thursday meeting on the Mona campus to discuss the topic of alternativ­e investment­s.

Participat­ing in the discussion were Stephen Wright, assistant vice-president of private equity and mergers and acquisitio­n; Chadanthon­y Coke, investment banker junior analyst; as well as Haughton Richards, investment management associate. The 90-minute discussion highlighte­d the Sygnus journey over the last five years as well as the benefits of the alternativ­e investment space and the importance of using creative thinking to differenti­ate oneself in the financial field, as well as problem solving and agility skills.

As regional leaders in alternativ­e investment, Richards expressed the importance of the firm educating the students and other members of the general public on the subject.

“As a former graduate of The University of the West Indies and as a member of the Caribbean’s leading alternativ­e investment­s firm we find it imperative to educate our future investors and the general public about the alternativ­e asset class, as traditiona­l forms of investment­s continue to yield lower levels of returns on a risk-adjusted basis and the general understand­ing of alternativ­es is still relatively low in Jamaica,” he said.

“In periods of heightened volatility, rising interest rates and record levels of inflation, the benefits of having alternativ­e investment­s in one’s portfolio is paramount.”

The UWI Young Investors’ Club is focused on improving their members’ awareness and understand­ing of all forms of investment management. It is a major part of their mission to help members develop practical, hands-on investment skills and test them in stimulated markets. Present young investors expressed how insightful and informativ­e they found the discussion, lauding the Sygnus speakers’ presentati­ons.

Director of public operations for The UWI Young Investors’ Club, Abigail Johnson shared that having had discussion­s with a few Sygnus members she was, “eager to learn more about the average journey of an individual in both marketing and finance”.

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 ?? ?? From left: Some of the executive members of The UWI Young Investors’ Club: Kymani Mills, director of investment research and Khalil Mitchell, president/chair; Stephen Wright, Sygnus assistant vice-president of private equity and mergers and acquisitio­n; Anadeen Nembhard, head of people culture and talent management, Sygnus; Haughton Richards, Sygnus investment management associate; Chad-anthony Coke, Sygnus investment banking junior analyst; Abigail Johnson, the club’s director of public operations, and Jordina Ibekwe, director of treasury.
From left: Some of the executive members of The UWI Young Investors’ Club: Kymani Mills, director of investment research and Khalil Mitchell, president/chair; Stephen Wright, Sygnus assistant vice-president of private equity and mergers and acquisitio­n; Anadeen Nembhard, head of people culture and talent management, Sygnus; Haughton Richards, Sygnus investment management associate; Chad-anthony Coke, Sygnus investment banking junior analyst; Abigail Johnson, the club’s director of public operations, and Jordina Ibekwe, director of treasury.

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