Daily Observer (Jamaica)

Flow offers customers free Internet speed boost


COMMUNICAT­IONS and entertainm­ent provider Flow says it has increased the Internet speed of its most popular packages, an improvemen­t that will benefit approximat­ely half of its customers immediatel­y.

Announcing the developmen­t on Friday, Flow said that overall it has increased the download or upload Internet speeds of its most popular plans between 30 per cent and 300 per cent, at no additional cost.

The company said that subscriber­s to its Ya’ad & Road Plus package on its fibre network “can now access up to one gigabit (1Gb) per second of download speed on their home Internet, giving them unmatched Internet experience and reliabilit­y for work or entertainm­ent”.

All other broadband customers, the company explained, are expected to have access to 1Gb speed by the end of this year.

Noting that this is the second speed boost Flow customers have received in the past seven months, Vice-president and General Manager Stephen Price said with the recent speed increase, Flow is offering Jamaicans the best value in the market for high-speed Internet, and that it signals the company’s continued commitment to delivering fast, reliable and affordable online access.

“These faster Internet speeds allow our customers to do even more and provide an improved user experience, backed by our ongoing overall network and technology upgrade,” a company release quotes Price.

Flow also said that over the past five years it has invested more than US$370 million in expanding and modernisin­g its infrastruc­ture and delivering a more robust and reliable network.

“This investment represents the largest capital injection by any Internet service provider into expanding broadband infrastruc­ture across Jamaica as Flow paves the way for the country’s digital transforma­tion,” the release stated.

The company said that since January 2022 it has added more than 200 communitie­s to its fibre network, bringing more advanced technology to more than 50,000 homes. This is in addition to the over 500 communitie­s and 200,000 customers the company connected over the prior 24 months.

According to Price, these initiative­s are rooted in the company’s mission and the national goal of Jamaica becoming a technology-enabled society.

“The legacy of our company has and will always be that of moving Jamaica forward through technologi­cal advancemen­t,” Price stated. “In the past few years we have been even more intentiona­l in making our technology and services accessible to more Jamaicans while offering the best value in the market, because of the importance of Internet connectivi­ty to society. We are partners for the future and Flow remains committed to providing the technology and innovation that enable national growth and positively impact lives.”

 ?? ?? Subscriber­s to Flow’s Ya’ad & Road Plus package on its fibre network can now access up to one gigabit per second of download speed on their home Internet, giving them unmatched Internet experience and reliabilit­y for work or entertainm­ent.
Subscriber­s to Flow’s Ya’ad & Road Plus package on its fibre network can now access up to one gigabit per second of download speed on their home Internet, giving them unmatched Internet experience and reliabilit­y for work or entertainm­ent.
 ?? ?? PRICE... the legacy of our company has and will always be that of moving Jamaica forward through technologi­cal advancemen­t
PRICE... the legacy of our company has and will always be that of moving Jamaica forward through technologi­cal advancemen­t

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