Daily Observer (Jamaica)

Sunday Horoscope


HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Sunday, July 21,

2019: This year you will experience many different people with various personalit­ies. With some people, you could tumble into a power play. With others, communicat­ion flows. If single, you could meet more than one person this year who you can relate to for a sustained period. Your biggest problem will be deciding who to relate to. You might date others until you become sure of yourself. If you’re attached, the two of you need to avoid getting caught up in power plays and respect your different opinions. Express your sensitivit­y and relating will become easier. PISCES understand­s your emotions, no matter how intense they might be.

The stars show the kind of day you’ll have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Read between the lines to get to the bottom of what another person really wants from you. Your sensitivit­y comes to the rescue and allows what could be a difficult situation to flow into an easier one. Tonight: Wind down from the weekend.

This Week: You perk up starting Monday. Romance and creativity flourish. Your enthusiasm breaks through any problems.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Friends surround you. As a result, others come toward you, and they would like to spend time with you. Confusion surrounds plans in the a.m., as people don’t agree on what to do. Remind them that it is the experience of togetherne­ss that counts. Tonight:

Where you are, the party is.

This Week: You choose to not be counted this week. You most likely will vanish until Thursday.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Tension could evolve between you and an authority figure or older relative. You would like to be fancy free, yet you feel you must meet another person’s request. Do not fight the inevitable. You will be happier. Tonight: Up to the wee hours.

This Week: You zero in on any problem you feel needs solving. Your words seem warm and friendly, helping others relax.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Reach out for a friend or loved one at a distance. Some of you might opt to write a letter rather than call. Go off to the movies or a jam session where your mind cannot overthink. Tonight: Meet friends at a new restaurant.

This Week: Necessity puts you in command. Others feel you can handle a problem better than they can. Show off your stuff.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): One-on-one relating is highlighte­d. How you feel in the company of another person could mark your plans and actions. You will see another facet of this person. You cannot underestim­ate the importance of personal interactio­ns in your life. Tonight: Be a duo.

This Week: You beam all week long. Few can say no to you. You could be off blazing a new trail while others seek you out.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept. 22): Listen to a loved one even if you feel on some level that he or she is harping on you. You might need to acknowledg­e what this person is saying to get him or her to hush up. Tonight: Just don’t be alone.

This Week: Choose to walk away from the superficia­l. You will deal with important issues with a partner or an associate.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): You could have a project in mind, or perhaps a day trip. Though you are certainly a sign that enjoys companions­hip, you might opt to go alone. Much that is being said around you easily could annoy you at this point. Tonight: Get a good night’s sleep.

This Week: Defer to others through Wednesday. As a result, you will come out on top. Deal with basics Thursday.

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21): Do not underestim­ate your desirabili­ty and attractive­ness. You have a lot to share, and share you will. You might, if single, meet someone of interest. Meanwhile, couples start to act like lovebirds. Tonight: Go for naughty.

This Week: How much you accomplish could surprise many people. You save Thursday for some fun.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov 22-Dec 21): You might be a sign that is not associated with being a homebody. Neverthele­ss, you can get into a few days at home. You might opt to invite a friend over. Be careful; a power play could ensue. Relax rather than being right. Tonight: Throw a spontaneou­s get-together.

This Week: You feel as if someone stoked your fire and mind. You have the ability to see what was hidden previously.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Do not stand on ceremony. If there is someone you need to make amends with, call this person. The sense of relief that you gain will be well worth it. Do not be rigid about being right. Everyone has a different right. Tonight: Hang out.

This Week: One-on-one relating will be highlighte­d. Plug in stability but also fun.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): You might feel as if you are spending too much once you stop and eye the damages. Sometimes, money runs through your fingers as if it were water. Try to use more self-discipline. Tonight: Out with friends.

This Week: A friendship evolves between you and a potential sweetie. You love the fast pace of the next few days.

PISCES (Feb 19-March 20): You can be very emotional when pressured. Someone you look up to could be stubborn, difficult and possibly on the warpath. Try not to take his or her mood personally and continue being your own self. You could be amazed at what occurs. Tonight: Only what you want to do.

This Week: You offer a lot, yet sometimes you give up too much. Be aware of how some people might take advantage of your kindness.

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