Artisan Joy

Artisan Joy 雑誌 オンライン購読



Artisan Joy amplifies the work of creative entrepreneurs and chronicles the positive impact of art and craft on the community and economy through interview journalism. Artisan Joy is an independent media outlet and magazine. Our platform tells the stories of creative entrepreneurs from diverse artistic disciplines and backgrounds. We also publish informative articles on running a creative business. We believe that by bringing awareness to the work of artists, designers, makers, artisans and others who sell their creative goods/services, we believe we can help them sell more, championing the creative economy. Additionally, the founders’ stories featured in Artisan Joy can inspire those looking to grow and develop their own creative businesses. Vision: To remove the barriers for creative entrepreneurs to get featured in the press by being the media outlet dedicated to telling their stories. Commitment to Journalistic Integrity: Artisan Joy upholds high editorial standards. We do not charge creative entrepreneurs to be featured. Artisan Joy is not “pay to play.”
