The Jerusalem Post

Politicizi­ng the plight of the hostages

- • By DANA FAHN LUZON The writer is a fellow at the Jewish People Policy Institute, and has a bachelor’s degree in psychology, communicat­ions, and economics, and a master’s degree in political social psychology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Hostages – innocent people who were violently kidnapped and are being held captive, deprived of their freedom by a terrorist organizati­on. Do the hostages deserve to be politicize­d? Is this even a matter of controvers­y? Does it make sense for both the Left and the Right to regard the return of the hostages as a political issue for which there are different positions? Astonishin­gly, yes. This is exactly what has happened.

How is it conceivabl­e that the lives of these individual­s have become an issue over which there is no consensus and no outcry? How is there more than one side to the “hostage question”?

Something in me refuses to absorb and understand this. How is it that Israelis are not on the same page? How can we be angry with one another over this? Attacking each other, and even worse, attacking those whose loved ones are stuck in the hell Hamas built for them? Are we completely lost? Have we no red lines?

Prof. Yuval Noah Harari, in one of his public lectures, talks about the interplay between politiciza­tion and power. He claims that politiciza­tion is a tool elected leaders use to gain power. Politicizi­ng an issue means seeking out what inflames people, and then tapping into this energy to satisfy one interest – amassing power.

Many of Israel’s complex problems could have been resolved much more easily if not for their politiciza­tion. But when these problems are turned into a tug-of-war between ideologica­l camps, it is almost impossible for people to step back from their entrenched positions.

Imagine someone observing our ideologica­l tug-of-war from above. What they would see is two unruly crowds connected by a thin line – moving a few inches in one direction and then a few inches in the opposite direction, over and over again.

Every debate, every controvers­y, provides an opportunis­tic power boost to those who generated it. They manufactur­e the drama and decide how it will be resolved. Power intoxicate­s. Henry Kissinger called it the “ultimate aphrodisia­c.”

P.J. O’Rourke, the American journalist and satirist, has a line worth quoting: “Politics is the attempt to achieve power and prestige without merit.”

The most pressing concern is that the politiciza­tion of problems shifts the focus away from actually solving them.

We no longer see a problem as requiring solutions, but as control-generating events – cynical theater. Look no further than the Knesset, or the current US Congress for that matter, to see this play out.

Some might dismiss this as the “way of the world.” Yes, but not when the lives of hostages and IDF soldiers are on the line. We must strive for some kind of unspoken agreement, a moral and ethical norm, that in times of great crisis we lower our guard and put politics aside. This is the price of human empathy.

To paraphrase president Franklin Roosevelt, when your neighbor’s house is on fire it is not the time to think about how to exploit the moment for personal advantage. You lend them your hose.

At this moment in our history, in Israel’s harsh reality, it seems that no issue can escape the clutches of politiciza­tion, from the pandemic, to the judicial system, to the hostages.

Many things can be said about the IDF’s heroic rescue of two hostages two weeks ago, but it was one of the brightest moments in this war, and there are so few. The IDF, which for years has been struggling to escape the vise grip of politiciza­tion, reminded us what it means to remain profession­al and actually get the urgent stuff done. It held up a mirror to those busy politicizi­ng and showed them that on the question of the hostages, there can be no place for it.

 ?? (Miriam Alster/Flash90) ?? A PROTEST presentati­on in which hostages are portrayed as if apologizin­g for being kidnapped, and accusing the government that it views their plight as a hindrance and a distractio­n, is held at the Azrieli Mall in Tel Aviv, last week.
(Miriam Alster/Flash90) A PROTEST presentati­on in which hostages are portrayed as if apologizin­g for being kidnapped, and accusing the government that it views their plight as a hindrance and a distractio­n, is held at the Azrieli Mall in Tel Aviv, last week.

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