The Jerusalem Post

A shocking promotion of hate

- Jerusalem

Regarding “PM: Israel didn’t enter Gaza to hand it over to PA” (November 19), it is good that the solo emphasis on defeating Hamas was finally expanded to mention PA governance, with Netanyahu adding that the PA educates its children to hate Jews.

Specifics on education are extremely important. One key lies in the UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees) schools in Gaza, where half a million students from grades 1-12 attend school, and half are enrolled in UNRWA schools.

The Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) has been monitoring and analyzing education worldwide since 1998. Its stated aim is to ensure that education complies with internatio­nal standards of peace, tolerance, and non-violence, as derived from UNESCO declaratio­ns and resolution­s.

A joint report by IMPACT-se and United Nations Watch shed light on 47 new cases of incitement to hate and violence by UNRWA teachers and schools, in clear violation of the agency’s policies. This report revealed a disturbing pattern of calling for the murder of Jews, glorifying terrorism, and inciting antisemiti­sm within UNRWA’s education system under the Palestinia­n Authority.

Since 2016, the evidence shows a shocking promotion of hate among young children and a deteriorat­ion in content, falling far short of UNESCO


Some examples included the removal of content discussing peace agreements, negotiatio­ns, and the two-state solution, as well as the encouragem­ent of violence, and demonizati­on of Israel across all grades and subjects, even infiltrati­ng math and science, as well as removing Israel from a regional map.

Norway’s decision to cut funding over textbook incitement in December 2020 was met with a defiant response from PA Prime Minister Shtayyeh, who declared that the “curriculum will not be surrendere­d.”

This resistance to reforming the curriculum, even in exchange for the release of frozen EU funds, was reiterated by PA Foreign Minister al-Maliki in March 2022.

It is crucial to shed light on the texts used by the Palestinia­n Authority as well as Hamas. Internatio­nal attention must address the root causes of conflict in the region as anti-Israel activity and antisemiti­sm are spreading.

UNRWA’s role in perpetuati­ng hatred and violence through education must be scrutinize­d. Once Hamas is eliminated, efforts to promote peace and tolerance should be prioritize­d for the sake of a more stable future for all involved, starting with proper textbooks in schools.


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