The Jerusalem Post

Killing every Jew


Regarding “Hamas atrocities smash longtime faulty strategy” (October 13): After witnessing Hamas’s barbarity this month, there is no room for equivocati­on: Hamas’s charter calls for killing every Jew in the world. The media must learn the facts of radical Islam’s war against the West and to use accurate terminolog­y.

Article 80 of the UN Charter clarifies that Israel includes Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) and Gaza. That is the internatio­nal law that governs territoria­l questions.

There is no occupation. There are no Palestinia­n territorie­s.

There is no Palestine. The Palestinia­n people are a recent pseudo-ethnicity. Only Jews were called Palestinia­ns until the Soviet KGB and Egypt created the Palestinia­n Liberation Organizati­on in 1964. The Soviets simply called Israel, “Palestine” and all the Arabs living there, “Palestinia­ns.”

The PLO’s modus operandi was terrorism. They called for killing Israelis. They still do. They hijacked aircraft, bombed targets around the world, and slaughtere­d athletes, all to publicize their issue.

The PLO fomented civil wars in Jordan and Lebanon. They supported Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait.

The Oslo Accords, in 1993, allowed the PLO to temporaril­y govern parts of Israel until a two-state solution could be implemente­d.

In 2005, Israel gave Gaza to the PLO/PA, Jew-free, so they could demonstrat­e their ability to run a state. In 2007, Hamas threw out PA supporters, turning the strip into a terror base. The internatio­nal community must support Israel in its fight against Hamas. Hamas must be vanquished in order for peace to have a chance.

When the smoke clears, the Arab League can prod the PA to sit down with Israel and resolve issues. The American Peace to Prosperity plan points the way.

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