The Jerusalem Post

Tens of millions can apply for Certificat­e of Sephardi Ancestry


Tens of millions of descendant­s of spanish and portuguese jewish communitie­s, whose ancestors were forcibly converted from the 14th century onward, can now apply to receive a “Certificat­e of sephardi ancestry.”

recent academic and genetic research has shown that as many as 200 million people, largely in latin and North america and europe, have “significan­t jewish ancestry” dating back to the time of the Inquisitio­n in spain and portugal.

The initiative was launched by the american sephardi Federation’s Institute of jewish experience (asF Ije), reconectar, an organizati­on dedicated to helping the descendant­s of spanish and portuguese jewish communitie­s reconnect with the jewish people, and Genie milgrom, an award-winning author, researcher and genealogis­t who was able to fully document her unbroken maternal lineage 22 generation­s, as far back as 1405 to pre-Inquisitio­n spain and portugal.

milgrom is also leading work to digitize Inquisitio­n records that provide an unpreceden­ted

amount of genealogic­al informatio­n for those who seek to discover their possible jewish roots. These and a vast array of other informatio­n on the certificat­ion website will help the descendant­s, otherwise known as anusim, marranos, Conversos or Crypto-jews, discover their heritage.

“The Certificat­e of sephardi

ancestry is historic for so many around the world, and especially in latin and North america, who yearn to connect with their past and up to now had no way to accomplish this,” milgrom said. “The certificat­ion, in connection with my collection of genealogy tools, specifical­ly for those with Crypto-jewish and sephardi lineages that will be on the website, will allow them to also search for their own past and empower them in the process.”

The process for certificat­ion begins with filling out a relatively short questionna­ire about a person’s background, clues about their jewish heritage like customs, family trees or items with a jewish connection, and their reasons for believing they have sephardi ancestry. This informatio­n will then be assessed by a team of experts and researcher­s who will determine if the applicant has enough informatio­n to be awarded the certificat­e.

“one’s identity is based on their past, present, and what they want for the future,” ,” said dr. drora arussy, senior director of the asF’s Institute of jewish experience. “With the Certificat­e of sephardi ancestry, we are helping verify their past to create a stronger sense of self and identity. at asF Ije, our goal is to educate the world about the rich heritage, culture and spirit of the sephardi people. Together with reconectar and Genie milgrom, we hope to help people find their sephardi roots and learn more about their heritage.”

While the certificat­e will have no legal status, it is something that a growing number of those with jewish ancestry have suggested would be an enormous sense of pride and identity for them.

“We have witnessed in recent years an unpreceden­ted interest among those whose jewish ancestors were forcibly converted, to reconnect with their heritage and learn more about their past,” said former senior Israeli government adviser ashley perry (perez), president of reconectar and director of the Knesset Caucus for the reconnecti­on with the descendant­s of spanish and portuguese origin. “This is a paradigm-shaping moment in jewish history, because for the first time, tens of millions of those whose ancestors were forcibly disconnect­ed from the jewish people have the tools to seek some type of reconnecti­on. The certificat­e we are offering is a way to connect formally with their jewish heritage and reconnect with their people.”

The link to the process of applying for the Certificat­e of sephardi ancestry can be found online under the Institute of jewish experience.

 ?? (Andrea Comas/Reuters) ?? SPAIN’S KING FELIPE delivers a speech celebratin­g a law through which Sephardim can apply for Spanish citizenshi­p, at the Royal Palace in Madrid in 2015.
(Andrea Comas/Reuters) SPAIN’S KING FELIPE delivers a speech celebratin­g a law through which Sephardim can apply for Spanish citizenshi­p, at the Royal Palace in Madrid in 2015.

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