The Jerusalem Post

New Mexico state adopts IHRA definition of antisemiti­sm


New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham signed an executive order on Tuesday establishi­ng the Internatio­nal Holocaust Remembranc­e Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemiti­sm as the state’s legal standard for determinin­g when unlawful discrimina­tory conduct is motivated by antisemiti­sm.

New Mexico is the first state to integrate the IHRA definition into law via executive order, and the sixth state overall to incorporat­e it into law. Florida, South Carolina, Iowa, Arizona and Tennessee enacted laws using the definition through legislatio­n. Twenty-two other states (Alabama, Alaska, Connecticu­t, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Massachuse­tts, Montana, Nebraska,

Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming) have endorsed the IHRA definition as an educationa­l tool through resolution­s or executive orders.

The Israeli-American Coalition for Action (IAC for Action) applauded Grisham for her “groundbrea­king executive order.”

“All State agencies within the Executive Department of the State of New Mexico shall adopt and use the IHRA’s Working Definition of Antisemiti­sm, including its contempora­ry examples,” the executive order stated.

“In reviewing, investigat­ing or deciding whether there has been a violation of any relevant policy, law or regulation prohibitin­g discrimina­tory acts, state agencies shall take into considerat­ion the definition for purposes of determinin­g whether the alleged act was motivated by discrimina­tory antisemiti­c intent.”

The most widely accepted definition of antisemiti­sm worldwide, the IHRA definition states that while not all criticism of Israel is antisemiti­c, some criticism can cross the line when delegitimi­zing, demonizing or applying double standards to Israel.

Some 865 government­s and major public entities have endorsed the IHRA definition in recent years, including the US Education, Justice and State department­s. Fifty-one of the 53 Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizati­ons members have also endorsed the definition.

“IAC for Action applauds Gov.

Grisham for not only recognizin­g IHRA, but for implementi­ng it in order to ensure equal protection­s from discrimina­tion for Jewish victims. We are grateful to see that Jewish and Israeli-Americans are not left to contend with incidents of antisemiti­c hatred alone,” said organizati­on board chairman Shawn Evenhaim.

Evenhaim also thanked the organizati­on Stand With Us “for their leading role in resourcing the governor with this effective policy model, which we expect to see utilized by governors and legislatur­es all around the country.”

Together with Stand With Us and legal experts, IAC for Action helped lead the developmen­t of this legislativ­e model and helped implement its adoption in Florida, Iowa, South Carolina, Arizona and Tennessee.

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